Chapter 1: Bonjour

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The door opened as a beautiful young woman stepped out through the door and closed it behind her. It was the morning in Alsace village in France. That's where the woman lived sharing it with her one younger brother and older brother as well. Alsace was now a peaceful village in the country as there were no threats at all. The woman wore a blue and white dress that simply made her feel attracted to others with a bowtie in her hair that held it back from blowing through the wind, although there was none yet. The village was quiet in the mornings when she hasn't entered yet but when she does, the folks began to work and started to sing called 'Bonjour'. People began to come out from their shells as work had to be done and the woman heard gossip again about her. 

"Look, there she is."

"The non-party girl."


The woman in the blue and white dress just simply ignored the gossip in order to make them stop while she was on her way to her favorite place in the village, the library or the bookstore. The woman greeted and passed a baker carrying pieces of bread on the plate. "Good morning, Y/N."

Y/N smiled and walked up to him. "Bonjour, monsieur."

"Where are you off to?"

Y/N felt then excited. She pulled out a brown book she got from her basket and showed it to him. "I need to return this book. It's very amazing!"

The bakery smiled in respect at her. "That's nice but I need to work. Sorry." He then went inside his shop while Y/N shrugged it off with a smile on her face since she was treated like this multiple times throughout the day. She learned to move along and so she went. She sang along, which made the boys swoon over her while the girls looked on with jealousy, scoffing as well. She then saw the familiar building she was looking for so she immediately smiled and entered the shop. 

"Good morning, Y/N."

"Good morning!" She pulled out the book and gave it to her. "I came to bring it back. Are there any new books?" She asked as she climbed up the ladder.

The male chuckled, knowing Y/N so well since she loved to read. "Not since yesterday."

Y/N then searched through books and picked out a blue book and gave it to the librarian. "I'll pick this one!" You could clearly hear the excitement in her tone.

"But you read it twice already!" The librarian smiled as he looked up at Y/N.

Y/N couldn't help but dance around and twirl as she explained how much the book became her favorite. It was full of fantasy and cool magic spells that she wished were real. Little did she know... It was. That's when the librarian told Y/N to keep the book and the girl couldn't be happier. He insisted. Y/N and the librarian bid each other goodbye as Y/N left and passed the boys that sang about her like how much of a beauty she was and a weird girl in the village. Y/N sang along again as she hopped over the toy of jumping that the kids were doing and patted the little girl's head with a smile at her. The little girl smiled back shyly. Y/N sang again as she sat on the fountain and showed playfully to the sheep the book she was reading but one of the sheep ripped the paper gently and ate it.

She continued to sing as she got up and went towards the pet shop that was down there she put her book away in the basket as she entered and stopped singing. "Bonjour, Peach!"

"Ah, hello, Y/N!" Peach smiled kindly while Daisy was nowhere to be seen, probably out gardening the flowers. "Came here to pet the animals we have?"

Y/N's lit up with excitement. "Yes!" 

Peach then led her toward the room where a bunch of animals was and Y/N set her basket aside to pet the animals. There were dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, etc. All the animals you can think of that were allowed to be kept as pets. Y/N began to sing softly as she petted a cat that napped on her lap. Peach was amazed at how the beauty can keep up with the animals. Must be a special talent and connection, Peach thought inside of her head. "How's Mario doing?"

Y/N stopped singing and smiled at Peach, telling that he was fine along with Luigi that worked hard to fix the issues of being weird plumbers in the village. The girls began to chat about random stuff but Y/N made sure to keep anything else out about books. She tried to bring them into her conversations but never succeeded, as peach and Daisy seemed to dodge them all the time. 

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