Chapter 3: Meet Bowser

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The next day after Mario and Luigi were gone to deliver the item back to their client, Y/N cleaned their workshop and made sure the sign said closed before heading off to the home she shared with them. She felt exhausted that night that she went immediately to sleep. She wished to have slept well that night since she got a nightmare where her brothers got captured and disappeared inside the castle of a beast. Meanwhile, in the castle, it was all real.

Y/N was just reading her favorite book when the door rang outside the door. She got curious and got up, leaving her book on the table while she went to answer the door. Mario and Luigi built a special-looking camera in order to watch who was outside. She was excited at first, until she saw Wario, looking there with a wide smile. Yes, he was here. Y/N groaned as she wanted him to leave her alone. But she was nice enough and opened the door. "Hey, Wario. What a pleasant surprise."

Wario smiled and even smirked. "I know, right? Am I not full of surprises? You know there are others girls in town that loved to be in your shoes. This is..." He cut himself off to look at his teeth through the mirror before looking back at her. He made her uneasy by walking towards her, to which she backed away from him. "This is the day your dream comes true."

"What do you know about my dreams, Wario?" Y/N asked uneasily.

"Plenty!" He then explained how he 'knew' about Y/N's dreams, the ones that weren't true at all. Wario didn't know about Y/N's dreams, even her biggest ones. Wario further explained while setting his feet on top of her book, which made it dirty. She was mad at him but she kept calm. Wario stood up and walked after her while Y/N cleaned the boo, and set it on her shelf. "Guess who the lucky wife is."

"Let me think," Y/N asked while pretending to be stupid. 

"It's you, Y/N." Wario then cornered Y/N against the door of her and her brothers' house while Y/N reached for the door knop. "I am speechless, Wario, but..." She watched how he leaned down to her for a kiss. "I just simply don't deserve you." She then opened the door and that's when Wario fell into the mud. 

Waluigi was having fun playing songs by leading the band with a stick until he saw Wario in the mud. He made the band stop playing as Wario raised from the mud, looking very angry. Waluigi looked nervously. "So, how did it go?"

Wario stood up and grabbed Waluigi by his collar. "I will make her marry me, whether she likes it or not!" He then dropped him in the mud and stormed off. Waluigi grumbled angrily from being in the mud. "Y/N deserves much better." He stood up from the disgusting mud and went after Wario.


Y/N opened the door quietly and looked around while the chickens were in her way. "Is he gone?" She asked the chickens and one of them responded with their sound, meaning that he was gone so Y/N assumed she may go outside. "Can you believe it? He asked me to marry him just because of my looks!" She said with an angry tone as she went to feed the animals while singing a song that was about marriage, madame, Wario, and is to understand. Y/N's perfect type was to find someone who would understand her passion for reading and animals. She even wanted to see more of the world out there. 

Y/N was done singing while caressing a flower with her gentle fingers. She didn't pluck them since the flowers reminded her of Daisy, a good friend of hers. As she hummed under her breath, she heard a familiar neigh and this caused her to stand up and look toward the direction of the sound. To her utter shock, it was her horse, Philip! He immediately neighs again after seeing Y/N and ran at her, stopping next to her with the wooden car he was controlling. "Philip, what happened?" Y/N sounded worried as she took the wooden car off of the horse. 

Philip neighs again, clearly panicked until Y/N had to calm him down by shushing the horse and petting him. Once Philip calmed down, Y/N gets on him. "Can you please lead me to my brothers?"

Philip neighs and began to gallop toward the woods. Philip was the trusted horse of the family and Mario and Luigi used him quite often. Y/N not much since she only used him to get to places of needed only. Y/N had a cape hoodie around herself to keep herself warm but also go to places. She didn't expect Philip to take her to an... castle. Philip stopped in front of the gates. "What is this place?"

Philip neighs in a panic before Y/N got off of him and calmed him down. She then went inside through the gates and noticed the caps of Mario and Luigi on the ground, making her gasp and run towards them. She kneeled down and grabbed them. "Mario... Luigi." She then looked at the castle and took enough brave courage to enter. "Hello?" She looked around and couldn't believe how big, cold, and dark this castle was. It looked so empty... "Hello? Is anyone here?" She continued to look around as she called out, hoping for anyone to respond. It was still quite like it was abandoned. This castle. "Hello? "I'm looking for my brothers."

What she didn't know was that she was being watched. As she continued to step, the door opened up behind her and she got startled as she quickly looked behind her. Strange... she could swear that the door was behind her closed and now it was open. Someone must be here! "Hello?!" She entered the place where it led upstairs and that's when she saw light moving. "Wait up!" But the light kept moving until it stopped. Once Y/N arrived up the stairs, she could swear that someone was there. "Mario? Luigi?"


"Mario! Luigi!" She quickly went towards the door where they were being heard and took their hands. They didn't wear gloves and their hands were very cold. "Oh my gosh... your hands are so cold like ice. I need you to get out of here!" 

That's when the brothers panicked and started to beg. What were they begging for? Y/N? was confused and tried to open the door but she was then rudely grabbed and shoved away. She quickly went back to her brothers and grabbed their hands. "Who's there?"

"The master of this castle," a deep voice responded with a growl.

"Please let them go. I came for my brothers," Y/N begged with pleading eyes to where the voice came from.

"Then they shouldn't have trespassed this place!" The voice of person was about to leave when Y/N shouted "Wait!". The footsteps stopped and Y/N thought for a while before making a devastating choice. "... What if I took their place?"

"You should't-" The person cut himself off before thinking and shockingly, the voice of the person calmed down. "You would... take their place?"

"If I did, would you let them go?"

"Yes but... you must promise me to stay here forever," the voice said calmly.

That's when Y/N noticed that it was too dark to make eye contact with the person speaking and she couldn't see him since it was a male. "Come into the light."

The person stepped slowly into the light and Y/N's eyes went wide upon the realization that it wasn't a person at all, it was a big Koopa beast! It was... Bowser.

Bowser's Princess (Bowser x Human! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now