Chapter 10- life works in strange ways (Birth Multiverse)

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Sci had not appreciated being treated as if he had the answers to life. While he was proud of his knowledge he was not omniscient. He silently cursed his more naive past self who had been awed to be working with other universes.

"I'm not specialised in everything, dammit! Nightmare don't you dare point your spikes at me!", Sci still dealt with envy from other monsters for being personally involved with 'higher beings' of the multiverse. 'More like children with nukes', he had enough self preservation and caffeine in his body to keep that thought deep in his mind. He was starting to get wary of even Blue what did Ink do to him! He used to be so sweet! who was making violent gestures towards Nightmare.

It was decided, after much discussion, that Error would be required to look over Dream, mainly due to his experience with the code of the multiverse. While Dream was visibly unwell there was the more important issue with his corruption. His CHECK was a mess of deleted or missing data and there were moments when Dream seemed to be dusting, but when you looked again he was physically fine. Dreamtales' corruption had visibly left its marks on the small Skeleton.

Errors' sudden appearance startled all monsters present. Nightmares tentacles had sharpened to the perceived threat, the others were not far behind in the beginning of summoning their attack magic.

Before any violence could occur Errors strings lashed out and bound all monsters. They seemed to avoid Dream though, who was calmly watching Error like nothing unusual was occurring.

"I heard everything squid. Ill look over the small abomination now. Don't distract me".

With that pleasant greeting he walked towards Dreams location while ignoring the others grumbling at being restrained. Error had been watching through his screens while in the anti void almost as good as Undernovela but it always felt more satisfying to see a situation up close. Error stopped in front of Dream, ignoring Inks whining from being strung up on the ceiling, and quickly opened a window to examine the others' code.

Now while a CHECK was used by monsters as an observational tool to look over the basic health of another while outside of battle, it didn't give the details Error required. He looked past the basic data and searched deeper into the code. Code is what all beings in the multiverse consisted of. From many past experiences he had gotten very bored he was told that when he did this it tended to unsettle the recipient. Ink had told him it almost felt like his entire life was being scrutinised and it always deeply unsettled others' magic.

Dreams' non reaction to the situation was therefore a tad unusual to witness. The glares being directed towards his back from the others were expected, but he carried on undeterred. What he found was confusing and very unusual.


The basic code of Dream seemed to be stable enough, with the code giving him a clearer idea of what was wrong with the little guardian.

The Dreamtale universe was a relatively young universe compared to others. When Nightmare damaged the code this left only one solution (other than deletion). Dreamtale underwent a self enforced RESET. This universe was not designed to withstand this safely, without outside interference, so an unconventional solution was found.

The surprising part to Error was Dreamtale using Dreams code as a temporary fix. This miraculously occurred without causing either parties to crash! While further damage did occur to all the code of Dreamtale after the first RESET, the universe itself managed to stay stable enough to prevent its collapse. Dream, as the only beings code to be directly interacting with Dreamtale, remained as the only living being able to remember each RESET.

His young age and the apparent village's early appearance, compared to what the script expected, were all due to errors in the Dreamtales code unable to be changed. The repeated RESETS had the unintended effect of glitching Dream. This is what caused his somewhat off appearance to be seen at times and his wonky CHECK.

Error closed the window while also reaching towards his eye sockets to grab more strings. Before the others could protest his seemingly violent action, he threw the strings and ripped apart the collar that had started to slowly bind with Dreams magic. Error crouched down, while balanced on his heels, and examined the area the collar had been. He needed to make sure all the fragments were destroyed, he did not want to be dragged to look again.

In a move that wildly confused the others he placed his hand on the little glitch's skull with zero hesitation. When contact was made no sounds, other than the slight glitches from Error himself, were heard in the room. Error's non reaction and seemingly gentle touch was astonishing due to his known haphephobia.

" He is a glitch like me so our codes don't consider the other foreign. I can touch him without any issue of pain. " Error muttered to the room.

" His life had been a cycle of continuous RESETS since you left Nightmare. He will most likely grow very slowly, mainly due to the fact his codes are currently too damaged to accept more physical change. It would be safer to keep him in the Doodle Stphere, in order to let his body stabilise in a more neutral environment. Would that be ok, little glitch? " At the last comment Error looked down at Dream with a rare seen softness in his eyelights.

No one dared mention that fact aloud, in fear of attack from the still somewhat crazed Destroyer. Inks lack of self preservation failed him again when his cooing caused an instant tightening of the strings around him in retribution. His dramatic wheezing in pain only resulted in a slight twitching of Error's right eye socket to start.

"Ok Mr Error. I like the feel of your magic by the way" the last part was whispered like a secret that should be hidden. Almost like Dream's preference for anything would be mocked if others heard. With Error's attention diverted, Dream had unintentionally saved the Creator's continued existence, Error went back to the task at hand. With a final pat to Dreams skull Error allowed the others to be released from his strings with little fanfare.

Error wandered over to Inks' form, that had been dropped on the ground with no care, and started explaining how to take care of the little glitch. Error felt Dream's magic subtlety reach out towards him before immediately pulling away as if ashamed. Error summoned a string to wind around the littles glitches hand, pretending he didn't see the slight sparkle in Dream's eyes lights while playing with Errors magic.  

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