Chapter 44- the cracks are showing(AntiVirus Multiverse)

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The multiverse Fresh chose was perfect for what was required. There had never been constant fights or danger lurking around the corner. It was a rather boring multiverse for Fresh but it would do, especially with his variant here. While he may be a parasite and act as a 'virus' to a multiverse, his other was the opposite. They even had their own SOUL, which would be useful when dealing with his child. He may adore little para, but he wasn't always able to fully understand the emotional needs a regular monster would require.

He had already messaged his variant and had to be quick to drop off Vela, to avoid unwanted attention.

"Fresh, my buddy! How have you b-been. W-what can i do for you?".

The fear wafting off the other was always amusing to him, as was the way their fingers twitched as if to summon magic. He was never sure how fast some multiverse went, but he supposed he could see why the other was still so twitchy. When he first found them he thought the other would be a great food source. Sadly the body was incompatible for a parasite, but it had been a new experience at least. Widening his grin he gestured the other to straighten their arms out towards him.

The wary look and then the sigh in acceptance was perfect. As soon as the other did as asked he grabbed Vea, who was hiding behind them, and placed them in the others arms.

"This is my little para and they need a place to crash to heal. I'll be off having some rad fun with some homies. Treat them well~".

AntiVirus Fresh, or AV as he preferred to be known as, was stunned at what had just occurred. When he had received a message from 'The Fresh' he knew he couldn't dismiss it. He already had one bad experience with the parasite and wasn't even sure if he could destroy the other. Them being the origin of all Fresh types made him wary of the consequences of even trying to kill them. Being given a child that the other claimed as theirs, was a new level of terror.

Dragging his eyelights away from where the other had been, he looked down at his arms and observed the babybones. The small smile and happy feelings radiating off of them must make them a Dream variant, but looking closer it was the small things that bothered him. They hadn't made a sound while he was holding them nor had they moved to be more comfortable. He was sure as time went on their aura actually increased its intensity. He pulled them closer to him and didn't miss the flinch or the slight shaking of the other's body.

He would not be able to do this by himself and he did not want to deal with an angry Fresh.

"Hold on tight Para, I'm taking you to my house where we can get to know each other more, ok?"

"Yes sir".

The dark feeling in his SOUL increased. He had been around many babybones and they should not be this compliant, especially with a stranger. He knew not all multiverses were calm like his, but he was glad he didn't often visit many if some could cause this.

A quick teleport and they were in his living room. He had tried to clean up, but the blankets and random clothes strewn around showed he failed. He was startled by a quiet chirp. Looking at Para he saw glee in their eye sockets once they spotted his furbies on the shelves. He smiled at seeing some childish behaviour and hoped this was a promising sign.

"I'll get some food for us, you can play with the furbies if you wish".

He had guessed right as the small one bounced in his arms in poorly concealed excitement. Letting them down and grabbing some furbies off the shelf, so they could play with them, he went to the kitchen. Coming back he placed the snacks in front of Para on the ground. Watching the other he could see them slowly tense up the longer they stood there, so he headed to the kitchen and discreetly watched them.

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