Chapter 17- some people should not have children... (SwapDreamtale Multiverse)

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Waking up Vela was confused at how safe and warm he felt. Snuggling closer to the warmth he heard a chuckle puzzling his tired mind. Opening his eye sockets he noticed it was this universe's Dream or rather Mr Angelo. His memories helpfully reminded him the other had called him other me. This one was a clever one. Madness and smarts was a dangerous combination and he was a tad annoyed he had to deal with this crap after just waking up. Deciding ignoring the situation sounded wonderful he huffed and glued himself to the other, basking in the aura of the other. Lord Dream never fully let out his aura and he was feeling low from his time alone. He happily absorbed the energy being spread, feeling himself start to drift off again.

"As much as i am enjoying myself we need to get up for food little raptor~"

Looking up and giving a light glare he pushed himself up and stretched his limbs. Looking back in surprise he noticed the lack of pain and how his wings were level to each other. He let out an agreeable coo, startling himself at the strange sound.

"There is no need to be embarrassed. Our wings aren't just for show, you know~. They better aid in dealing with positivity but some traits from birds come through. I'm not sure if it's a curse or not. Very cute though~"

He felt slightly mortified but hearing the explanation made some sense. He wondered if Lord Dream ever made those noises, but pushed the thought from his mind. He wasn't even really a skeleton in the first place, so having other traits shouldn't be a surprise. He could learn to live with it. Chirping in more confidence he hesitantly rubbed his cheek against the other. He had learnt he loved touch and the unknown time alone had made him crave it again.

Angelos face became softer when the babybones nuzzled against him. The open affection was dazzling for a being who was used to more worshipful followers, and he never let others get that close to him anyway. Grabbing the babybones, eliciting a tiny squeak, he walked to his private dining hall. He might approve of worship but he would not take any chances with his new interest. The passivity Vela displayed was puzzling, but made his future plans much easier to implement.

Vela felt overwhelmed when he was placed on Angelos lap. The contents of the table were piled high and he was surprised the table was still standing. Breakfast was an assortment of fruit, cereals and several unknowns he was happy to stay away from. Mr Angelo served him a large plate of everything to his dismay but he soldiered through. When he felt full, eating just a bit more than usual to his surprise, he waited for the other to finish while examining the room.

If he thought Lord Dreams' place was the richest place he had been in, he was mistaken. While Lord Dream had excessive yellow and modest decorations Mr Angelos place was different.The gold and red seemed to be a common theme, as were the jewels on the doors as decorations.

Being picked up again he was taken to a room with bolts of fabric leaning on the walls. He was wondering if he would ever use his legs again while staying here when he was distracted by another presence. A kindly looking human woman, who was feeling high amounts of adoration, swiftly appeared from a hidden door.

"What can I do for you, Master Dream?"

"I need a full wardrobe for the little one. Be gentle when handling them~".

The warning was pronounced with a controlled wave of emotion to the women. While her smile widened, it seemed a bit crazed, and her shaking hands did not help the look. With great reluctance, he let go of Mr Angelo when placed on a raised platform.

She was quick with measurements and started to make a red and white outfit styled after Mr Angelo. The gaze of Mr Angelo never strayed from the humans form and was especially sharp whenever she was near him.

Vela PulsarWhere stories live. Discover now