Chapter 28- is this a parent? Actually parenting?! (FGOC Multiverse)

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Waking up was a surprise, as he didn't remember going to sleep in the first place. It seemed he was still on the couch, but he felt a warmth radiating in his chest. The so-called 'bond' must have worked then. He wasn't exactly sure what this meant, as he had never heard about it in other multiverses. He wondered if it was because a SOUL was such a precious thing that others didn't want to make him uncomfortable or was he unwanted? .

Sitting up he looked at the other, who seemed to be busy sketching something. When Paint finally looked up he had seemed startled. Vela could only feel the others' joy when he was spotted. This was a wildly different feeling then being around the last Star sans, who had seemed stressed and anxious when around him.

"I'm glad you are looking better. I bet you are confused about what is happening. Do you want to know about this multiverse?".

Vela was wondering how much this new Creator would surprise them. He had never been told information willingly about what was going on. It always felt like he had scrounged for scraps, but first he had another question.

"I was wondering about the bond you made with me. What does it exactly mean?"

Paint felt like a punch to the gut when asked that question. His SOUL twisted in anxiety while he tried to calmly explain bonds. It felt like all his worries had come true about the suspected neglect the other experienced. No babybones should grow up that ignorant of an essential part of them.

There were many different bonds that monsters can do with one another, and sometimes bonds formed by themselves with others emotions. This commonly happened when a parent held their newborn child or when friends got close to each other.

The parental bond was usually the most taxing to a monster's magic. A child would require regular 'feedings' of magic in order to grow up with a strong SOUL. It was meant to allow the adult to easily transfer magic and monitor the wellbeing of the other.The bond usually became more neutral as the child aged and later acted more as a sign of relation. It also could be sensed by others and showed a claim of protection. That is another reason Paint had made the bond. Without it it was likely others would try and take away Vela in order to 'protect' them from Paint.

"Vela, to other monsters you will be considered my child. You don't have to see me as your parent if you don't want to. Will you please stay with me? At least till you heal?".


The changes from that day were drastic for Vela. Being here for one day and already getting a parent? He wasn't sure what a parent even was. He had met many monsters and humans in his life, yet he never felt completely safe with any of them. Even Lord Dream had to be kept at a distance, with the others' lack of knowledge of who Vela truly was.

Paint was an unusual Creator, in that he seemed to have a better memory than others he had met. He still took paints but Vela felt the small spike of pain after each sip he took, which was strange. The other also did not come near him without asking permission. It was very similar to what Mr Nightmare used to do but better. He wasn't being treated as cracked glass, but as a being with their own thoughts.

He slowly started to test what boundaries the other had. He first asked for a specific food and was shocked when he was allowed it. When he said he didn't feel like going outside the house he was allowed to stay inside, after being asked if he was feeling ok.

Paint was incredibly patient with him and that set him on edge. Even Mr Angelo could get irritated sometimes if he didnt act placid.

"Why haven't you left yet? Won't others miss you?".

"I shut down the Doodle Sphere outside of time till you feel better, Vela. There is no need to worry about me".

Vela wasn't even aware casually stopping time was a thing you could do and was weary to ask how it was done. So he decided to happily ignore that statement and continue his colouring. It felt very domestic living here. They ate at set times and Paint never left him alone for long. He liked to listen to the other talk about his creations and all the things he would show him when Vela was healthier.

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