Chapter 15- things start to look up..maybe (DreamSwap Multiverse)

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A few days after that experience Vela started to get an uncomfortable itch in his back. He was content to ignore it but unluckily for him the other two guardians were not. He had no idea how the so called 'enemies' managed to stay in the same place without maiming each other for so long. They seemed to have joined forces just to spite him!

Vela might have been feeling a bit bitter at being forced to be more emotionally open and with the mother hennaing going on he started to feel his sanity slip away. It almost made him miss the villagers no it didn't with their attitude to happily ignore him. It felt unnatural it's not safe, hide it away! to be read too easily by the others.

He begrudgingly admitted that his magic felt easier to control and he did enjoy being able to give in to his more childish impulses. They had even promised to help him play with his emotional magic more, which he was more than a bit thrilled by.

The absence of Mr Flopsy was making him feel down though which alarmed him. He hadn't thought of his toy rabbit in months, so this sudden thought confused him. Lord Dream helpfully explained that by letting his barriers down it had made him much more emotional due to the sudden release of emotions. He was assured he could put it back up at the end of the week, as long as he promised to practise taking it down more than he did before he wouldn't say it had been too many years to count . The other guardians may have not known the reason he put a barrier up or why he was so desperate to have them again, but they accepted.

These thoughts helped distract him as he was wandering around the halls of Lord Dreams private wing. He was so out of it he didn't see the other guardians following him in amusement due to the near misses with other staff or even the occasional wall. While they were curious about the information they learned in the CHECK they decided to wait until things had settled down to confront Vela.

Nightmare tilted his skull in concentration and could feel the waves of discomfort coming off Vela. Looking at Dream he caught the others attention and pointed towards the babybones. Dream cleared his throat catching the babybones attention.

"Vela, come over here please"

Vela turned around in a fast movement that it almost looked like he was about to fall. Catching his balance he walked over to the guardians. Neither missed the slight twitching of his shoulders or the fear that occured as soon as he was called.

"You are not in trouble, little bird. We are just worried. We can feel you are in pain. Will you tell us what's wrong?"

Dream had crouched down to be more on level with Vela but even then he seemed to tower over the other one, 'he has gained weight since i last checked, he might even need some new clothes if I'm lucky'. Dreams wandering thoughts went back to the little one when Vela mentioned pain in his back. Fearing a possible spine issue he used his blue magic to pick up Vela and sped towards the medical room. Placing the other down when they arrived, he did a visual scan of the babybones.

"Can you take your top off carefully for me?"

Dreams' voice had gotten softer, as if afraid any loud noise would startle the babybones. Vela, who was used to much worse pain, roughly threw his jumper and shirt off. Picking the items off the floor he turned around to put them on the chair nearby when he heard a gasp and felt glee come from Lord Dream.

"You have golden little wings growing little bird. Seemed I named you correctly"'

Dream was indeed happy but he pushed down any worry to not startle Vela. He remembered the agony of his wings coming out and was glad this wouldn't happen to the other. The strange source of the wings' appearance was a baffling thought and he assumed it had to do with the Guardian title the other had in his CHECK. He was feeling guilt for the possibility of having tied a heavy burden to one so young. He knew his aura didn't fully affect the babybones so he had started to relax it more when around him. 'I got careless, i'll need to be more careful from now on' he thought to himself.

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