Chapter 51- please talk to each other(FallenStars Multiverse)

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Shattered watched as Vela slept curled up in his tendrils. This Dream variant was odd and was radiating content at being around his magic. He knew his magic was 'tainted' when he ate the Corrupted apple and its effects seemed to vary on most monsters. He had been pushing his magic at the other and all he received was a coo of glee. He would see how different this 'Dream' really was from him, when they went out later.


No one could have predicted when the beloved Star sans would fall from grace. It started with the Creator, who realised that his paint supply seemed to be slowing down. He wasn't really worried to begin with as he had stored plenty more but it only got worse. He wasn't sure what had happened but one day he realised there was none left.

He had run to Dream in his worry but even the others' magic could only help so much. When he drank the last drop of paint he felt hollow but not completely gone. His magic had latched onto Dreams in desperation, which gave him the bare amount of emotions. He no longer had coloured eye shapes and was left with only white eyelights but he lived. He barely felt motivation to do much, let alone protect the AU's, so he just stopped. Dream never pressured him and had reassured him that he would stay by him no matter what.

Dreams fall from the light was a personal choice. When Ink started to stay in the Doodle Sphere, it was left up to him and Blue to defend the AU's. He could have asked Ink for help but he felt cruel to ask more of the Creator. His breaking point reached when his brother taunted him for never understanding him. He was unsure why this caused him to snap but he felt his mind go to the Corrupted apple he always carried.

Looking at the goopy apple he ate it with no hesitation and screamed at the agony that radiated from his body. He heard cracking and when he felt no pain he realised he was covered in golden goop, like his brother was. He enjoyed the extra appendages and felt hope the other would accept him. That was dashed when he saw his brother without his negativity flowing over him, with his beautiful violet eyelights visible once again.

"What did you do, Dream? How could you?".

He had not expected the betrayal or confusion from the other and felt his anger rise at the unfairness of the situation. He wasn't sure what transpired next but he awoke to a decimated universe and his brother cowering before him. He would usually feel some guilt for this but all he felt was disgust at the others hypocrisy.

" Let's have fun again brother . Call me Shattered from now on. Dream is dead ".

Shattered found glee in his revenge at his brother. He could sense the sadness when he started destroying AU's and found glee at seeing new reactions from the other. His brothers group name was changed to "The Crescents" and his was known as "The Fallen Stars". He was joyous when Ink showed some interest in what he was doing and was shocked when Blues personality seemed to switch. The happy go lucky monster turned into an obsessive being, who threatened those who got near his 'senpais'.

The balance somehow remained stable, despite the drastic change in roles that occured in the apple twins. Fights were daily and the multiverse thrived off the chaos.


Vela basked in the heat surrounding him and perked up at the magic being sent to him. His reserves were still rather low and daddy had been worried how his wings hadn't even changed back to normal yet. He was happy to explore this new multiverse and another weird Dream type.

" Good, you are awake. We shall be going to AU's and you will stay near me at all times. I will not be happy if you run ".

Vela saw no problem with this plan but was confused why he would run away. Nothing bad had happened yet and he had even been healed! He must have taken too long to respond as he was picked up by the others tendril and taken through a portal. Looking around he had no idea where they were, but did see Shattereds friends come with them.

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