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Childe slowly opened his eyes and found his dearest still dreaming peacefully while his arm curled on his waist. He smiled a little and caressed his head. Quietly, he jumped down of his bed and tiptoed to the toilet. He undressed his shirt and poked his a bit swollen tummy.

"...why my tummy rounded like...I'm...pregnant? But...I'm a guy, right? Perhaps I should check on a doctor for this matter. Umph? Blergh!"

His painful wail was enough to awaken the prime Adeptus. He rushed to the toilet and knocked the door.

"Ajax, you okay?" he asked. Childe wiped his edge lips and opened the door. "Ajax, you look pale. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry," he reassured. Zhongli caressed his cheek and pulled him closer.

"Let's go to the doctor."

"There is no need, Xiansheng. I'm...woah!" he stopped as he felt the warmth of his hand lying on his stomach.

"...we need to go to the doctor now," he demanded. Childe frowned. "I will explain it later."

"Why can't you say it now?" Childe insisted. Zhongli didn't say anything and put his coat on him. "Xiansheng?"

"I'm afraid it will shock you."


" know I'm not a real doctor right, dear eleventh? Also, you brought a perfect lab rat for me. What a wonderful day," Dottore sighed as he heard Childe's unusual request with Zhongli standing beside him.

"But you can cure any disease like a doctor, Dottore. And don't you dare call him your lab rat, Dottore. I won't stop myself to slit that throat of yours," Childe hissed. Zhongli patted his head.

"Calm down, Childe. It's nothing," he reassured, yet his glare was enough to shake Dottore. He laughed.

"My bad, dear ex Geo Archon. So what's your problem?" Dottore apologized and let the fiery orange locks sat on the bed.

"My stomach is swollen and this morning I had a worse nausea," Childe replied. Dottore blinked under his mask and glanced at Zhongli.

"Well, I have good and bad news. But first, let me run a test on you," he said as he grabbed a syringe from his table and got his blood. Childe winced. He poked his belly a bit hard.

"Yep, I'm sure of it. Hold on," he said as he walked inside his secret laboratory. Zhongli reached his hand and patted it.

"I feel anxious now," Childe whined.

"It's okay, I'm here for you, Childe," Zhongli whispered right on his ear. A few moments later, Dottore came back with the result.

"Well, which one do you want to hear?"

"Whatever," Childe replied.

"Good news, it's nothing serious. Bad news, you're carrying a baby. Half adeptus, half abyss human," he firmly said. Childe stunned.

"...say again?"

"In short, you're pregnant."

"...HUH?!! Wait, what?! How can I carry a baby inside my belly? I'm a guy!" he screamed.

"Ask him, not me," Dottore blamed Zhongli who turned pale and sweated a lot. Childe turned all his attention to the amber man.


"Tell. Me. Now. Don't you dare hide anything behind me," he threatened. Zhongli gulped a bit hard and knelt before him. Dottore hurriedly left them alone before he vomited to witness a cheap soap opera in his territory.

"It was my fault. I guess I accidentally poured my power onto you seed...absorbed it and grow inside your belly."

" it possible for a man like me?"

"Possible, yet it is such a high-risk gamble because you're carrying my child with immersed concentrated adeptus power. And your human body...won't be able to carry the burden," he explained. "So Childe, for your safety we should..."

"I'm not that fragile, Xiansheng. And I'm not gonna give up on our child. He's our proof of love, how could you gonna kill it?" he complaint as he placed his finger on those rosy lips. "He will survive and also me. Don't look down on me."

Zhongli was stunned for a while, carefully leant on his belly and smiled.

"You hear that, lil baby? Mama and Papa will make sure you're born safely," he said. Childe chuckled and shocked when he felt a kick inside his belly, also the dragon.

"Ahahaha! Looks like the baby was overjoyed to hear that. Let's go home, Xiansheng. I can't stay here longer," he said. Zhongli helped him to stand and walked together. Childe's body tensed up when he caught a glimpse of a person he didn't want to meet now. Before Zhongli asked, the raspy, cold and low voice greeted them.

"It's an honor to meet you, Geo Achon Morax. Or perhaps, Rex Lapis?"

"Oh, just call me Zhongli. I am not an archon anymore," he replied and lifted his head to see that icy blue eye. "And who are you?"

"Call me Pierro, Mr. Zhongli."

"Xiansheng, I want to go home now," Childe whispered. Zhongli nodded and smiled at the old man before him.

"We have an urgent matter, please forgive us for the rudeness," he apologized. Pierro glanced at the young man and sneered.

"Slut. You carrying a baby inside your belly? How disgraceful."

"What did you..." Childe couldn't complete his words when he saw Zhongli already placed his tip of polearm right on his neck. His gaze looked ferocious.

"Did you call him slut, Mr. Pierro? I'm afraid I can't accept it. You wish to die?" Zhongli threatened. Pierro chuckled and poked the polearm.

"Perhaps we can try it, dear Mr. Zhongli, but I have another matter to deal with. And I truly apologize for my slipped tongue."

"Whatever. Let's go, Xiansheng. I'm tired," Childe begged. Zhongli drew back his weapon and led him out of the place.

"Tartaglia, someone wished to see you. Perhaps you better go and get him," Pierro blurted. Childe stopped his steps and turned his back.

"And who might be?"

"The one you wished to fight, perhaps?"

His heart stopped for a moment. The person who fitted the description was only him. He dashed to the meeting room and found Capitano sitting alone with his papers.

"...Capitano," he called, a little bit shaky in his voice. The giant lifted his head and turned to the source.

"Finally. Come and sit."

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