Our Boss

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SeaWeedBrainz- Percy Jackson

Wisegirl- Annabeth Chase

DeadHead- Nico di Angelo

Dead&Gone- Bianca di Angelo

PanL0ver- Grover

TitanWorshipper- Luke Castellan

Eye(s)- Tyson

HuntressLeader- Thalia Grace

ZeusorJupiter- Jason Grace

Rubiez- Hazel Leveque

PrettyGirl- Piper Mclean

HerculesStinx- Zoe Nightshade

CampChief- Chiron

MrsJackson- Sally Jackson

MarsBestKid- Frank Zhang

AugustusofBEARZ- Octavian

Caleo4Eva- Leo Valdez

Orakle- Rachel Dare

Boltz- Zeus

HaikuandSunshine- Apollo

WarisLuv- Ares

DeathKing- Hades

WarandWisdom- Athena

ZeusFav- Hera

Winedude- Dionysus

Forges- Hesphaestus

MaidansRLUV- Artemis

Messenger- Hermes

BootifulLuv- Aphrodite

PomergranateSeeds- Persephone

LastOlympian- Hestia

FatherTime- Kronos

TheSkyisHeavy- Atlas

FireGiver- Prometheus

EarthisBae- Gaea

WriterMan- Rick Riordan

Cupcakes- Coach Hedge

#1Praetor- Reyna Avilla Ramirez-Arellano

BiggestPlanet- Jupiter

JupiterisBae- Juno

BrotherofJupiter- Neptune

CallmeDeath- Pluto

WarisLife- Mars

WiseQueen- Minerva

Farmworld- Ceres

War- Bellona

MetalWork- Vulcan

Thieving- Mercury

AmazonGurl- Hylla Ramirez-Arellano

[Wisegirl joined the chat]

[SeaWeedBrainz joined the chat]

[DeadHead joined the chat]

[PanL0ver joined the chat]

[HuntreesLeader joined the chat]

[ZeusorJupiter joined the chat]

[PrettyGirl joined the chat]

[Caleo4Eva joined the chat]

[Rubiez joined the chat]

[#1Praetor joined the chat]

[MarsBestKid joined the chat]

[Orakle joined the chat]

#1Praetor: You called us Annabeth?

Wisegirl: Yes, it is important. I was walking around a library and found a book series about our lives. I asked the author to come. He should be here soon. But appearantly it tells of everything that will or has happened to us.

SeaWeedBrainz: That's breaking the fourth wall much...

PanL0ver: What?

SeaWeedBrainz: Nothing

DeadHead: She isn't lying. There are TWO book series about what will happen to us.

HuntressLeader: Which is?

Wisegirl: If I told you, you would hate me.

HuntressLeader: Nah!

Wisegirl: You not particularly, you have an okay life...

ZeusorJupiter: When is the guy coming?

[WriterMan joined the chat]

WriterMan: Hello. I am Rick Riordan. I write about what I think will happen in your lives. It probably does... I kill off people's favorite characters. Everyone should probably say good bye to Leo now.

Caleo4Eva: Oh gods...

Orakle: Looks like we have a dam problem.

PanL0ver: We're going to need some dam weapons to fight this dam man.

SeaWeedBrainz: GUYS NO PUNS! We have a dam problem at the moment and we will need some dam solutions.

[Administrators have removed SeaWeedBrainz, Orakle, and Panl0ver from the chat]

ZeusorJupiter: Well then...

#1Praetor: We have a problem...

MarsBestKid: Would you say we have a...

#1Praetor: NO ZHANG!

ZeusorJupiter: WHY YOU DO THIS!?!?!

[Administrators have removed MarsBestKid from the chat]

HuntressLeader: Wow.

Writerman: Well I have four books to write for my second series. Tata.

[Writerman left the chat]

[BiggestPlanet joined the chat]

BiggestPlanet: You all have broken the fourth wall... REPENT!

[Administrators have removed all users except BiggestPlanet]

BiggestPlanet: They shouldn't remember any of this. I hope.

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