SeaWeedBrainz- Percy Jackson
Wisegirl- Annabeth Chase
DeadHead- Nico di Angelo
Dead&Gone- Bianca di Angelo
PanL0ver- Grover
TitanWorshipper- Luke Castellan
Eye(s)- Tyson
HuntressLeader- Thalia Grace
ZeusorJupiter- Jason Grace
Rubiez- Hazel Leveque
PrettyGirl- Piper Mclean
HerculesStinx- Zoe Nightshade
CampChief- Chiron
MrsJackson- Sally Jackson
MarsBestKid- Frank Zhang
AugustusofBEARZ- Octavian
Caleo4Eva- Leo Valdez
Orakle- Rachel Dare
Boltz- Zeus
HaikuandSunshine- Apollo
WarisLuv- Ares
DeathKing- Hades
WarandWisdom- Athena
ZeusFav- Hera
Winedude- Dionysus
Forges- Hesphaestus
MaidansRLUV- Artemis
Messenger- Hermes
BootifulLuv- Aphrodite
PomergranateSeeds- Persephone
LastOlympian- Hestia
FatherTime- Kronos
TheSkyisHeavy- Atlas
FireGiver- Prometheus
EarthisBae- Gaea
WriterMan- Rick Riordan
Cupcakes- Coach Hedge
#1Praetor- Reyna Avilla Ramirez-Arellano
BiggestPlanet- Jupiter
JupiterisBae- Juno
BrotherofJupiter- Neptune
CallmeDeath- Pluto
WarisLife- Mars
WiseQueen- Minerva
Farmworld- Ceres
War- Bellona
MetalWork- Vulcan
Thieving- Mercury
AmazonGurl- Hylla Ramirez-Arellano
[SeaWeedBrainz joined the chat]
[Wisegirl joined the chat]
SeaWeedBrainz: Something sure is fishy here at camp.
Wisegirl: Yes, it would be wise to avoid trouble.
[DeadHead joined the chat]
DeadHead: What are you guys doing? Stop it.
[Caleo4Eva joined the chat]
[ZeusorJupiter joined the chat]
[MarsBestKid joined the chat]
Caleo4Eva: Wow, things are getting heated up.
ZeusorJupiter: Things sure are electrifying.
DeadHead: Zhang make them stop!
MarsBestKid: Guys, let me be frank, stop.
DeadHead: You are all stupid.
[PrettyGirl joined the chat]
PrettyGirl: Well I think they are...
DeadHead: Don't! You! Dare!!!!
PrettyGirl: Charming.
DeadHead: You are all dead to me.
[Rubiez joined the chat]
Rubiez: These puns are pure gold.
[DeadHead has left the chat]
Percy Jackson Facebook Messages
HumorThe gang on their favorite webpage; Facebook/Messenger.