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y'all they got rid of the chapter title font that I use

also "Cardigan" by Taylor Swift is one of my new favorite songs to listen to while writing about these two


          Din landed the Crest roughly on Nevarro but not for a lack of trying. The ship was nearly crumbling to pieces as it entered the planet's atmosphere. All the credits spent fixing it thus far felt like a waste. It was a shock that it even made it to the ground in one piece with the way it shook and rattled. 

         Myrah wished she had a seatbelt of some sort - or a parachute if worse came to worse. 

          "Do you mind gathering a few supplies while I greet them?" Din gestured with his head out the window to where Greef and Cara were standing, smiling up at the ship. Greef had left his gray attire behind, replacing it with regal, maroon capes. Cara, on the other hand, looked as though she'd only cleaned her get up. 

           Din held the small, green child on his hip, bouncing him gently. It brought a huge grin to the kid's face, but Din didn't seem aware he was cradling him so carefully at all. 

        Myrah shrugged, "sure, I guess," she chuckled and pushed herself up from her chair, "not feeling like such a recluse anymore, hm? Usually you leave me to do all the talking."

          "Except for the times you do too much talking," he teased and using his free hand, he climbed down the hatch to the ramp. It descended with a few shakes, but stopped halfway, stuck at an awkward ninety degree angle.

          "Looks like someone could use some repairs," Greef shouted over the hissing of the ramp while Din hopped down from it, holding onto the child tightly. "Listen, Mando," Greef started, "I'm sorry about Myrah," he took Din's hand in a firm handshake before letting go. A wave of pity filled his eyes at the mention of the girl, his - well - sort of daughter. 

         "We don't need to talk about-" Din began but was quickly interrupted.

        "You know how she is, of course, you probably know better than anyone," Greef scoffed with a slightly suspicious side-eye towards the Mandalorian, "she's stubborn. Once she gets an idea in her head, she follows through with it regardless of the cost. It can be a good thing, but other times - sheesh. Up and leaving you like that, I mean, I can't even imagine what was going through her head. She's just a little self absorbed sometimes, alright? Don't take it personally."

          "Who's a little self absorbed?" a soft, delicate, oddly innocent voice piped up from behind Din. 

          Myrah peeked her head behind the tall, stoic, and now incredibly tense Mandalorian's shoulder with a beaming smile that seemingly held no malice, but the three of them knew better than that. She held on to a small bag of weapons and currency that they had left over, her hands gripping it tightly, almost as a threat.

          "Myrah!" Greef exclaimed and wrapped his arms around the girl in a tight hug. Whether it was from genuine compassion or to keep her from throwing a punch, no one knows, "it's so good to see you, my girl!"

         "Uh huh," she rolled her eyes and pressed her hands firmly against his chest, pushing him away, "that's why you wanted to leave first, hm?" she turned towards Din with another agonizingly sweet smile. 

          Din cleared his throat and nodded slowly, "we'll talk about it later," he said lowly before turning back towards Greef, "how's my credit around here?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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