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"You don't remember how you got your scar?"

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"You don't remember how you got your scar?"

How could he not remember?

His body was marked in such a deadly way, the pain that he would've felt from a contusion like that surely wasn't easy to forget. He obviously had a fear of blood and knifes, wasn't that all linked?

He smiled uncomfortably, "wow, I really just opened a whole can of worms with you there. Didn't I?"

"Wait, you really don't know how you got your scar?"

His smiled became tighter, it was still there but there was nothing genuine about it. It was strained and full of discomfort. A mask and not a very good one.

"Millie, I said I don't remember. I didn't say I didn't know how I got it. My therapist says I have trauma amnesia, I've read the police reports. I know what happened to me I just have no recollection of it actually happening. Except for when people touch me, then I might remember something or feel something. I don't know, it's weird and I don't want to go there."

"Well, how old were you?" I prodded.

"Millie!" He laughed a little, "can we not talk about this? Let's talk about something else." He picked up my shopping bags and cautiously peered inside.

"What's your costume for Halloween? A devil? A cat? A bunny? Harley Quinn?"

His expression fell flat when he pulled out the toilet roll ensemble and eyed it up.

"About that..."

"This is a toilet roll." He pointed to it, talking at a slow pace like he was in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm going as a toilet roll this Halloween. It's a dumb practical joke between Tyler and me.
He picks out mine, I pick out his and the only rule is to find the worst one imaginable. Hence the toilet roll."

"But this year you're going to Ashtons party."

"Yeah," I chuckled "don't remind me, it's going to be pretty humiliating."

He toyed with the edge of my costume between his two fingers.

"Millie," he raised his hands, speaking with such a serious tone. "As your friend, you need to listen to me when I tell you that you cannot wear that. Please don't willingly make yourself everyone's reason to laugh. Tyler will understand if you back out."

"I don't back out." I blurted out, offended he even suggested that. "That would make him the winner and I'm certainly not gonna be the looser."

He pulled a face at me, "I beg to differ."

"Well whatever dickstain, do you have a costume?"

"No, only the girls dress up and that's so that they can look hot."

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