What More Signs Do You Need, Brooke?

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Warning ⚠️ 18+ Mature content, Mention of blood

Songs for this chapter is-
1 step forward, 3 steps back by Olivia Rodrigo
Gilded lily by Cults

4 Months Later,

"What do you mean, You have to go? You just got back!" I shout at Steve, as i follow behind him, trying to keep up, with his quick pace, with my small bump, i was small but not too small, it was noticeable enough for 18 weeks.

"Fury needs me for a mission, Brooke." He says as he finishes suiting up.

"Steve, you just got back from a mission this morning, literally. How is this possible, that he needs you so soon already?" I ask him as i sit on the edge of my bed.

"I don't know brooke, i don't ask questions, i follow orders because it's my job!, i have a responsibilty as Captain America!" He starts to shout.

"You also have a responsibility as Steve Rogers, As a father! you've been on mission after mission ever since you found out we we're expecting, you've missed out on all my appointments so far! You can't miss out today's appointment, Steve!" I try to reason with him, today, we have an appointment to see if we can find out the gender. But Steve has been distancing himself, he won't even come close to me.

"I'm sorry okay, i've tried but i have to go, Bucky will accompany you." He says, trying to make me feel better. Bucky has been by my side more than Steve have. He's come to my appointments, my pregnacy classes, he helped built the crib and a rocking chair.

"Bucky isn't the father, Steve, you are!" I shout again.

"I know!" He shouts at me as he drops his helmet onto the floor.

"Then act like one! You won't come to my appointments, or classes or help decorate the nursey with me!" I spit out. He won't even touch me anymore, to show affection.

"I'd act like one, if i wanted to be one!" He spits back.

And there it is,

What i've been waiting for..

The other shoe to drop

I didn't want to admit it to myself but deep down, i had a feeling he wasn't really "Okay" like he had said, when i told him i was pregnant. But I shoved that feeling down, telling myself he's fine, he's happy and excited for this baby, just like me. I stare at his face as he stares into mine.

You have me Brooke, All of me

"You said you were okay, you told me i finally had all of you!" I say as my eyes fall sad.

"You do, i was fine with just you, you're enough for me, But God Brooke, you want more and more, I said i was okay because i knew there would be no way i could get you to abort." He says as he sighs, putting his hand on his hip. His words stung a little bit.

He wanted an abortion?

"Fury isn't the one sending you on missions, is he? You've been taking it upon yourself, you're distancing yourself on purpose because you don't want our baby? you know what, i'm sorry our baby is not enough for your cold rigid heart, but you don't have to worry about us anymore. We won't be a burden for you anymore." I say as i get up, i walk pass him.


"Don't Steve, i don't want to hear it, just go on your mission, i'm going to go find out the gender of MY Baby." I grit out as i elbow him on the way out.

What more signs do you need, Brooke?

I make my way to the kitchen and i see Bucket pouring a smoothie in a cup. He looks up to see me.

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