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Warning ⚠️ It's kind of a dark chapter. Mentions of Suicide and attempt. So please don't read if uncomfortable.

Also kind of a long chapter and you might recognize a scene from Hawkeye I added my own spin to it.

Song for this chapter is-

I'm tired by zendaya and labyrinth
Set fire to the rain by Adele

3 Days Later,

"Baby i brought you something to eat." Steve says softly behind me, but i don't even turn around. I stay in my fetal laying position on his bed.

He moved me into his room, so i don't have to see the reminder in my room, as there's still a crib in there. I haven't left his room in 3 days, I haven't seen the others for 3 days, I'm not ready to see anyone.

"Not hungry." I say with no emotion, as i dug my face deeper into the pillow. He comes closer to me, placing a tray with a sandwich and a bowl of soup on it, he places it on the nightstand.

"Baby please, you have to eat something, you haven't ate since yesterday morning." He says to me as he sighs.

"I don't have the Stomach to eat anything right now Steve." I breath out.

"Brooke please talk to me, what can i do?, this is killing me, i feel so fucking helpless." He weakly says as he lays down in front of me, wrapping his arms around me, as he nuzzles into my neck.

"I don't know." I say to him as i blink away a tear.

"Please don't shut me out, i need you." He says desperately.

"I feel like i'm drowning, i can't think, i can't breath, i feel nothing but numbness and great emptiness and hurt inside of me." I say as i cry. I can hear him crying into my neck. He's hurting as much as i am.

"I'm here Brooke, i'm not going to let you drown, I'll give you my airwaves so you can breath, I'll do everything i can to make it better, i promise. We're going to get through this together." He says as he breaks down. I slowly nod into his chest. We pull away and he kisses me softly.


"Just a few bites, please." He adjures. I look into his eyes, I'm not hungry but he's worry for me, so i sit up and try to eat a few bites for him. He takes the sandwich and he feeds me, as i take a few bites out of it. I snuggle back into his chest as i'm done, i didn't even try to make an attempt to try the soup, but Steve doesn't push me to. I think he's just relieved i have something in my stomach for now.

I close my eyes and i drift off to sleep.

I fell asleep for an hour or so, but the sound of Steve's door opening, wakes me up, and i see that Steve isn't laying next to me anymore.

"Brooke." Nat says softly as Wanda walks in behind her, i turn to see them, and in that same second, Steve walks out of the bathroom, and he sees the girls.

"She's not ready for any visitors guys, please let us be." Steve tells them, as Wanda slowly nods, as Nat hesitates.

"No it's okay." I assure Steve.

"Are you sure?" Steve asks me for reassurance, I simply nod to him.

"Okay, I'll go see Bucky for a bit, to give you guys a moment, I'll be just across the hallway if you need me." He says to me as he caresses my cheek, gives my forehead a kiss.

"Okay." I whisper softly. He gives the girls a nod on his way out, as he closes the door behind him.

The girls don't say anything, they just walk over to the bed. Nat lays behind me as i'm still on my side. She wraps her arms around me and Wanda lays down in front of me, she takes my hands and she wraps them around her waist. I break into tears as they continue to hold me, giving me their warmth, their love as the three of us lay there together.

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