Chapter 1 | Normal Day

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I had woken up on a Tuesday morning, yawning and stretching. I had looked at my clock and as usual I woke up at 6:50 which gave me plenty of time to eat and relax. I had gotten up and gotten ready. I didn't have to worry about being quiet because my mother is a really heavy sleeper, and my dad leaves at 6:00 AM for work so. The only person I had to worry about was my sister. She was a year older than me but acts so immature and rude to me all the time. Y'know one time she literally broke a lamp at the age of 14 and blamed me for it although my parents knew I was asleep all day. It was obvious that she did it but somehow she managed to convince them it was me and the worst part was that I was grounded for 3 days because I didn't tell the supposed "truth". So anyways, I just feel like it's best to avoid her and not acknowledge her at all, so I can keep out of trouble. Anyways, this morning went like any morning, y'know get up, get ready, eat breakfast and so on and so forth. For some reason though I felt compelled to go check my Facebook and get updated on everything going on in the social aspect of life. I walked over to my computer and checked out any new news in town and of course, something was happening at school today. The popular kids were posting and talking all about this rumor that a new kid was in town an he was moving into our school. Supposedly he was my age (16) and was sent here because he was kicked out of his old school for being too smart. But I've learned to never trust what any of the things, that these kids post online. Never the less I just shrugged my shoulders, closed my computer, and threw on my gray hoodie and walked out the door. Although I was 16, I didn't own a car. I know it would be helpful and can help me get places but the only places I go is to school and home so I told my parents to just forget about getting me a car, which I regret a little because they set aside an even amount of 50k and split it between my sister and I so we can probably get similar cars but since I skipped out she got a fancy expensive car and I technically got nothing. So it just made me pissed that she got something TWICE as better as I would've got if I Chose to get a car! But I guess it's just what ever, I mean it's not like I can do anything now so. Now as I walked to school I had thought about this new kid, I wondered if he would be the man of my dreams, or just another high school jerk, who is going to call me gay and tease me. I hadn't really cared about any other new students but for some reason I was intrigued about him this time. I wondered what he looked like, or anything like that. But then I remembered my rule of not falling for anyone, so I quickly got rid of the thought of him and wanting to get to know him. As I walked up to the school I saw that people were dropping off kids or parking already, and the bus pulled up so I think I got there a little later than usual because I never really came on time like the other kids, I didn't really like being around em so. As I walked up to the front doors in a rush, I was stopped by Jared, the cruelest kid in my grade. He always had people following him and obeying him but ever since the locker incident he decided to turn everyone against me basically. "Hey guys look who it is! The Queen of Fags!" His group laughed and started repeating what he said. "What do you want Jared?" I said as I sighed looking down just waiting for this to end. "Well you know I would wanna get some extra cash today so your lunch money would be great!" He said holding out his paw waiting for my money. "Jared please... I barely got anyth--", "Ah ah! Don't argue, just pay!" I sighed as I handed him 10.36$. "Have a nice day, fag!" He said as he pushed me up against the wall and walking away laughing. I sighed and walked inside and went straight to my locker in a rush. I grabbed my binder and books and just walked straight to first period. As I walked in I noticed the teacher wasn't in yet but a couple of kids were, such as Tim and Carl, the two knuckle heads who can't tell their left from right, I'm surprised they made it to 11th Grade. Then there is Henry and Susan, the two love birds, honestly they're alright an all but they don't pick on me so I guess I'm fine with them. Umm then there is Freddy, he is a smart kid, usually does his work an all but still somehow gets decent grades. I feel like he tries but gets no where. And lastly Rose, she always did her work and never slacked, she was the first person who noticed I avoided people and kept to myself so she decided to try an change that, which she somewhat did, she kept taking to me an caring for me but then we ended up being great friends and have kept the friendship ever since. I walked right into the back and say right next to her. "Hey Zach, how are ya?" She said eagerly. "Um I'm fine I guess... I got a visit from Jared and his gang this morning... so I could be better...", "Aw Im sorry... So hey did you hear about that new kid rumor?" "Huh? Oh yeah... I forgot about that... I dunno if it's true so I don't really care that much..." "Well I do and I'm eager to meet him! Maybe he could be someone you'd like." She said winking at me. "Come on Rose... You know my rules..." "Fine fine. Suit yourself then... But if I will say something, it's that I heard he has a built body..." She said in a sexual manner. I blushed, "Er hey hey don't get that in my head!" I said as I covered my face with my sleeves. "Ok calm down." She said as she chuckled and patted my back. Just at that moment our teacher Mr. Garner walked in. "Alright class, is everyone here?" He said as he took a quick count to find everyone was here on time for once. "Wow, I'm impressed, everyone is on time!" He said as the bells rang. He started to take roll. "Lenny?" "Here." "Joshua?" "Here..." "Carl?" "Huh? Oh yeah... Here...". As the class went on it just went as it normally did but I just kept looking at the door awaiting the new kid to enter, if he was real.

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