Quick Update!

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Hello guys!

Tanner here, just giving you some updates and what not.

Now I have been gone for a little while but because School is right around the corner and I gotta get ready :3

BUT This is just a quick update on everything, don't worry, I am still working on both of my books, but I do want to let you guys know in advance, I may finish this story earlier than planned (and yes I know you guys dont care or didnt know when I wanted to finish it....) and I may just finish this book and go onto "I Love Him" and make that one a bit longer.

Also another thing is that I wanted to let you guys know, YOU CAN BE IN THE STORY!

I don't mind if you guys ask an what not, but I will still focus mainly on Tanner and Zach.

If you would like to be in the story, then PM me and give me your character, this is all I ask you guys to include:

1. Name (First and Last)

2. Age (And grade)

3. Nick Name (Optional)

4. Connection to character or story. (Basically like, who they are related to or why they are there)

5. Bio (Short simple, but explaining a bit of their life and how they got to where they are at now)

6. Personality

7. Looks (Hair, Fur, Eye Color, Clothes, Etc.)

8. Anything I need to know extra (If you want to say anything I need to know, or enemies etc.)

9. Enemies, Friends, Crush (Optional), Sexuality

And yeah.... Thats all I need to know, and I will add your character in the next Chapter, but do know they won't be the main focus of the entire story. More or less a feature.

Also if you want it to be like

Joshua is a long lost cousin of Tanner.

then thats ok, but the first person to say so gets the title of what ever it is.

I wont make it like Zach has 3 sisters, 2 cousins, and 1 brother.

Anyway, thanks for checking out the update and yeah, cant wait to see some new furs or characters!

~Tanner S.

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