Chapter 2 | So he is real?

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      The time had passed... Exactly 10:07 on the dot and no sign of this new kid so I just went about my day like any other. Once I had walked out of Math I headed to English with rose by my side. We talked a little but I wasn't paying attention so I ran into someone as I tried to go into class. "OOF... Er s- sorry!" I said as I looked up. "Huh oh uh hey it's no problem!" Replied this tall and handsome wolf. "Um... Look I'm new here ok... Is this American Lit? Er English class?" Said the confused wolf. He was wearing a navy blue jacket with some jeans which had a few tears in them. He also wore a red and black beanie. "Um yes this is English..." I said as I looked down. "Ok thanks!" The wolf said as he entered the class. "You think that was the new kid?" Rose questioned. "N- no way... Or... Well... I don't know..." I said as we entered the classroom and sat in our normal seats right in the middle but near the windows. The bells rang and class started but Ms. Frisch had asked for our attention. "Class. We have a new student, his name is Tanner Suzillian. Come in Tanner!" She said as she scooted out of the door way and in walked the Handsome Wolf. "Er hey..." He said shyly but somewhat confidently. Instantly everyone greeted him and some of the girls even started blushing and whispering. "Ok so Tanner how about we sit you next to ummm how about Seth." She pointed at Seth, a hyena who is quiet but can prove to be troublesome once you get to know him. At this point in time most people would want to sit near someone they find attractive or someone who they think is cool but not me. I kept my distance and did my best to not make a fool of myself. As it turns out though, Tanner seemed to get popular really quick. He had girls and guys asking him to sit next to them at lunch but he seemed slightly overwhelmed. I figured though that maybe he could be the one for me but I had to keep repeating my rule to myself! By 11:45 lunch rolled around, we had an hour but I spent it eating for 15 minutes and the rest of the time just sitting alone listening to my music or talking to rose. I had sat in my normal spot, a table in the far back where no one really went, or so I thought. Rose had sat next to me and we talked but then someone came up to us, they had their hood over their face but it looked familiar. "Is this seat taken?" The wolf asked. "U- um...." I got quiet, "no of course not." Rose said . "Thanks!" The wolf replied then sat down and removed his hood. And to my surprise It was Tanner! "I couldn't really walk 10 steps without being bothered so I put my hood on an snuck over here." he said as I looked at him. "O- oh..." 

"Well you are welcome here! Tanner right?" Rose said as she smirked and looked my way a little bit.

"Yep!" The wolf responded happily.

Rose and him had talked for a while, just getting to know one another. I just sat there quietly listening to them unsure what to do.

      As the time passed though we had two more visitors though. Seth had walked over to us and sat down without asking, we all looked at him confused but then he started to speak. "Zachary... I am here to let you know that Jared is looking for you... The reason behind this, I am unsure at the moment but he said he wishes to say hi to his friend..." I gulped as he explained this. "Farewell..." Seth said as he stood up and walked away. "What's with that kid? I mean like... He seems strange.." Tanner said. "We don't know honestly... Seth has always been strange but not more than this year." Rose said then chuckled. "R- rose... Why is Jared l- looking for me?" I said nervously. "I don't know but I do know he ain't laying a finger on you without going through me! So you have nothing to fear!" She said as she patted my head lightly. "Are you two dating or something?" Tanner asked curiously as he examined both of us. "Huh? Oh no no no! It's nothing like that!" Rose exclaimed. "I... Y- yeah..." I said blushing lightly at the thought of rose and I dating, "we're just close friends..." I said as I looked at tanner shyly. "Ah ok..." The wolf replied and smirked a little.

     Now the day went on and we got down to the end of school and by now Tanner kinda found his way into our group. Rose and I accepted him gladly, especially me, but it seemed cool to have someone else to talk to and befriend! But all good things come to an end. The final bell rang and we had all gotten out of that prison but tanner had a ride and rose didn't live near me so I had to walk home by myself as usual. I continued to walk but a car pulled up next to me and Jared got out. "Heeey buddy!" Jared said slyly. "J- Jared...." "Look pal... I know you might be hanging with Tanner an all now but he should know better than to hang out with pathetic people! So here's what you need to do!" He said as he put his arm around me then clenched my shirt with his paw, "you need to tell him you hate him, and he shouldn't hang around you! He needs to be with my gang! I cannot let him go with you guys especailly because your a homo! the tiger said. "B- b- but...." , "do we have a problem?!" He said as he raised a fist. "N- no sir!" I replied quickly as I flinched and closed my eyes. "Good!" He said as he let go. "Now don't fail me buddy!" He said as he turned around. "Oh and one more thing!" He said as he sucker punched me in the face. All I remembered was waking up on the sidewalk with a bruised eye and a bloody nose. I got up weakly and nervously because I didn't know what happened at first but I ran home before I could think of anything else to do. I threw my backpack on the floor and ran straight to the bathroom before anyone could notice me. I cleaned myself up and then went into my room and laid on my bed. I cried and cuddled up with my pillow and just stayed there for a while. I couldn't believe what just happened, nor could I think of why it happened, I obeyed him, I didn't talk back... I was scared... I didn't know what would happen tomorrow, was this just a warning, or what?! I didn't know what to think... All I could think of was Tanner and how now I have to get rid of him in my life. Nothing ever goes as planned for me... Never in my life....  can I be happy for once. 

     Later on in the day I was called downstairs for dinner but I just went down with my hood over my face. I sat down like that but no one in my family seemed to notice or care about the way I looked, I didn't even show my bruised eye or anything. They just served us dinner and it went quiet. Afterwards I went back to my room and looked at my computer to find an email from, which I had no idea who this was. I opened it to find a message of, "Hey! This is tanner! You wanna get together some time? You me an rose?" My heart started pounding and I started to sweat. I had taken a long look at this email wondering if this was true. If it wasn't an accident like it was for me! I began to smile a little but took some deep breaths. 

     I was still unsure what to do for a little, I continued to examine it and I finally came to the decision of let me reply nonchalantly and then await a response. So I did and this is what I came up with, "Yeah, hey tanner, y'know I am pretty busy with all that I do but yeah I can make some time for us to hang out." I was feeling pretty happy once I sent it, but little did I know rose would reply also with, "Hi guys! I am up for hanging out and I know Zach hasn't got anything to do this week so yeah let's work out a time and date k? It'll be fun!" I gasped and face palmed due to the fact that I literally just told him I'm a busy person, only to get shut down and then be thought of as the guy who doesn't do anything but stay at home... I had hoped that I could take back my email but I couldn't... So I had to sit there and wait for Tanners reply. 

     About maybe 24 minutes later Tanner finally replied with, "Ok cool guys. How does Saturday at 1:30 sound? I figure we can meet downtown then go where ever from there. Also thanks for replying!"

I almost cried with happiness because he didn't mention my email at all! I think he looked past it or just shrugged it off. At least by now I could go to bed happily and somewhat stress free!

[Hey there Tanner here, I just wanted to thank you guys for reading this story, which I have based on myself, just giving my life as it was. I do enjoy writing this story and I hope you guys enjoy reading it! So yeah just saying that there will be more writing either weekly, if not then daily. Thanks

~Tanner S.]

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