Chapter 7 | Confession

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As I sat there practically about to tackle the next woman who goes for the pants, Rose ran back in and gave me a look of shock.

"U- um... I'm sorry guys I have to go. Emergency!" She said in a strange manner, not in a panicking way though, but then she ran out of the mall quickly.

"U- um R- rose?" I questioned then turned around to see someone going for the pants. 

I felt like screaming and jumping but I got a plan and it seems right! Also Tanner wouldn't expect anything. 

"S- sooo... Um... I'm going to just grab these for Rose ok." I said nervously as I grabbed a pair then rushed to the cashier and spent half of my money.

"That will be $25.95" She said with an awkward smile, I bet she was confused on why I was buying these pants.... Ohh Why couldn't rose be here?! Aw what ever... At least I got these pants. 

"Dude... You ok?" Tanner asked as he noticed I was eager to leave the store.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said as happy as could be. I then picked up the pants and walked out of the store casually as I stuffed the pants further down the bag I was given, so no one knows.

"Um Ok..." Tanner said as he raised his eye brow then followed me out of the store.

We walked around more and more looking at all sorts of things, we didn't really buy much or even go into the stores but when we got to the arcade we thought of taking a break from walking all around and stuff so we just grabbed 2 lemonades and sat down in the arcade more towards the entrance of course. We talked for so long though, I lost track of time.

"So, how did you parents feel about you coming out to them?" I asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, funny story actually. My parents are religious, but not the type that like, get mad about homosexuality, honestly they kinda seem more spiritual than religious but they like to claim that they are religious. So anyway, when I came out, we had all sat down in our living room. I was very shy and nervous and almost broke down just trying to explain what the point of this was. I had asked them would they love me no matter what, and of course they said yes, but when I came out, it has seemed like...."

"Like what?" I asked with a worried expression.

"Like they loved me even more for being who I was... Also after all that, we had celebrated that night and gone out to dinner and the next day of course was school, BUT my mother decided it would be a good idea to take me clothes shopping to keep myself up to style. So we did, an I got all these nice clothes and stuff that expressed myself an all yknow." He said cheerfully.

"Aww... Thats sweet." I said but then quickly shut my mouth because I knew the gay in me was coming out....

"Ummm Zach, are you gay?" he asked curiously and politely.

"U- umm w- why?" I said nervously.

"Just wondering, its ok if you are, I dont care." He said as he smiled at me.

"Y- yes..... " I said quietly then looked down, I knew I was very red, blushing soo much.... It was embarrassing but felt good to be accepted and to have come out to him... I hope my parents do the same...

"Dont be shy, or feel bad about it man! I accept ya. Does Rose know?" 

"Yeah actually...." I replied, I felt like I could be honest with him and come around to him y'know.... I love his positive attitude toward everything.

After a while we finally realized we had spent 3 hours at the mall after Rose left. It didn't feel that long but what ever I guess. I enjoyed the time with him, especially getting to know him a lot better, I really felt a stronger connection with him... I hope maybe we can be more than friends someday though... He didnt mind spending more time, but then we got to a conversation topic I wasnt to happy about...

"Yeah, I really would love to be able to get paid for gaming or being a YouTuber. You?"

"Probably reading stories, I really enjoy just sitting down and going on this site called Wattpad, it is really awesome!" I replied happily.

"You like reading? You should me my boyfriend, Garret." He replied happily, but I had to keep a smile on to try not to make him upset or worried.

"U- umm yeah! Sure, why not." I replied.

"I think you would like him, he is really cool and calm." He smiled then looked away as though he was slightly unsure about what he said.

"Ah ok."

We then finished that final conversation and left to home on good terms, we didn't feel an awkard tension about talking about that so I felt happy with that. Once I got home I rushed inside quickly to try on the pants, I almost fell just running up my stairs to my room. 

I walked in and closed the door then pulled them out.

"Yes! I love them!" I smiled, then realized something was wrong.

"Wha? O- Oh no... DAMMIT!" 

[Hey Guys Tanner here, sorry for the short chapter but the reason behind this is that I am working on my other book but I know you guys want Chapter 7 so yeah, here, enjoy, don't worry chapter 8 coming soon with a huge twist, also go check out my new book, "I Love Him" it is an amazing story that I highly recommend if you enjoy "Times Change" so thanks guys,

-Tanner S.]

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