Chapter 5 | The Truth Can Hurt

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As we walked outside I looked up at Tanner over and over. He didn't notice it, but I had a feeling that he knew I would look up every so often.

"So Zach... What is up with your sister? She didn't even really know me yet she was hitting on me?" He looked at me with a sly smirk but a concerned and confused expression.

"Oh well... She is just like that, I mean well.... Yeah... She has been through that sort of cycle with a couple of guys so." I replied as we continued to walk then turned left to see the school up ahead about a block away.

"Ah ok... Well she wouldn't want to be with me... I am not too much into girls... Like her I mean. No offense." He said as he checked his phone.

"Umm Tanner.... Can I ask, who are you dating?" I questioned in a shy but VERY curious manner.

"Oh.... Well.... I um..." He looked up worried.

"Yes? It's ok who ever you are dating.... I am completely fine." I said as happily as possible.

"Well... um..... Ok.... I didn't think this would happen so soon being here but.... I am dating.... a...." He started to spoke but got cut off by someone honking.

"HEY, ZACHARY!" Jared yells from his car window.

"Huh?" Tanner questioned as I gasped and turned toward Jared with fear in my eyes.

"YEAH, YOU ZACHARY! You have been WARNED! And this is it! We'll see you soon!!!" He yelled as he drove off speeding as fast as he could.

"What was that about?" Tanner turns toward me.

"N- nothing... its about.... um... video games.. yeah yeah..." I quickly scurried ahead of Tanner yet he followed behind me then caught up.

"Those were the bully's huh?" He said as he grabbed my shoulder turning me around to face his beautiful eyes.

"Y- yeah.... Um... it- its nothing ok!" I said with a small grin.

"Well.... Just tell me if you need anything ok." He said with a mothers concerned tone of voice.

"Yeah" I replied.

We finally walked up to the school and went inside quickly so we wouldn't be late. I stopped at my locker and grabbed my books and ran into class quickly barely making it.

"yes...." I whispered to myself before smiling as though I had won a game or something.

"Class.... Today we will be switching some seats. Making new arrangements, because we have another new student today." Our teacher smirked and stepped out of the way opening the door and a cute Otter walked in.

"Class.... This is Kenny." The teacher says as he closes the door then walks to his desk grabbing the seating arrangement chart.

"Hi." Kenny said eagerly and as happily as possible. I have never seen a single person be that happy... I will say though... He was kind of cute, but nothing compared to Tanner.... So I wasn't too focused on him.

After a little while of switching around I got placed behind a Lion and in front of a Bear. I was a bit upset by this though because now I couldn't stare at Tanner or daydream about him anymore, but what was I gonna do... Anyway to my surprise Kenny was placed right to my left. I couldn't help but notice that he had some pencils that were rainbow, kind of like his backpack. I think he is actually gay, but I am not 100% sure about that.... After that class I walked out into the hall alone hoping I would find Tanner to ask him about what he said earlier. He seemed very shy and touchy about the dating subject, but what he said is what really confused me.... I mean I am fine that he is dating (not really) but I want to know why he got so quiet all of a sudden.

There I saw Tanner walking to his next class and I was about to run up to him when I got stopped by Kenny.

"Hi!" He said happily.

"Er um... Hi Kenny... Is there... something I can help you with?" I said as I peeked out his shoulders trying to see if Tanner was there.

"Yeah... Um Where is room 435?" He questioned as he looked at his paper and squinted.

"Uh down the hall to the left, first door on the right. Are you ok? Why are you squinting?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Huh? Oh yeah... It's just that I forgot my glasses at home. What a day to forget right?" He chuckles and stuck his tongue out a little bit.

"Oh... Um yeah... Well anyway... I gotta go I'm sorry for being in such a haste!" I said as I started walking away quickly to catch up with Tanner.

Tanner walked into class and I followed as quickly as possible trying to talk to him.

"Hey T--"

"Excuse, Mr. Zachary, there is that sign for a reason." Ms. Callow pointed at a sign that read, "Be Quiet in the classroom and do not disturb others."

"Sorry Ma'am..." I said as I looked down then sat down behind Tanner. I continued to stare at him wondering if he was gay. It could be reasonable for why he acted shy about that. I mean after all the kid is new... but.... is he... gay? I just sat there the entire class drawing random things in my notebook and dreaming about Tanner. I wish we could be together, but he is with someone.... what if they break up soon, or something! I... But I don't want him heartbroken.... I don't know what to think about any of this.... Later after lunch and class I sat down and finished my food quickly but was called to the office. I was concerned a bit but I went to the office thinking.

I knocked on the principals door.

"Ah Zachary, come in!" Mr. R said.

"Am I in trouble sir?" I questioned as I sat down and looked up at him.

"No no! In fact the opposite! Don't worry about Jared any longer, I witnessed him yelling at you as he sped off and almost hit someone." he said in a slightly angered voice.

"Oh... Well.... whats happening to him?" I said.

"He is being transferred to another school but for now he is on suspension. I understand he has been bullying you and a couple of people here so I will put a stop to it. It is such a shame though, he was such a good kid when he was younger but one day.... he just changed.... " He said happily but sad at the same time.

"Well sir.... people change... Times change..." I said calmly and trying to hide my excitement because I knew he was saddened by this.

After us talking a bit more I left and ran to find Tanner but ran into Kenny again. He just looked up at me squinting but realizing who I was.

"Oh... Hey... Zach?" He said as he felt my face then pulled away.

"Yeah... um.... have you seen Tanner around?" I asked as I looked at him confused but understanding.

"Yeah.. He is outside near his car I think. He said he was like... leaving early, because like, he wasn't feeling good or something..." He said as he wiped his eyes and looked at me again.

"Oh.... Well... then...." I said as I walked away again.

"See ya.... " he said quietly and shyly as though he wanted to talk more.

"See ya!" I waved and walked to my next class.

After school, I quickly ran home and texted Tanner to make sure he was ok and check in. He didn't reply back and about and hour went by. I just sat there waiting for him to reply or at the least read my text. I just got up grabbed some vitamin water, then laid on my bed awaiting his text but also wondering about earlier. It was still on my mind about how he got and how shy he was. Could it be that he is dating someone who I know? Or maybe he was lying, or something. I hope he was lying actually....

Just then I closed my eyes to hear my phone ding. I quickly jumped out of my bed and fell on the floor trying to grab the phone.

"Hey man... um... yeah I wasn't feeling good so I left. Sorry to worry you. Whats up?" The text read.

"Nothing much, I was just worried. but I have great news!"

"What is that exactly?"

"Jared is being moved to another school! He won't bother me anymore!"

"Thats great... But can I tell you something Zachary... I wanted to talk to you about this but I was worried you wouldn't accept it.... But seeing as to how you care enough to check in on me. I think you wouldn't mind."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Im gay. I have been for a while but I just didn't want to come out to you or anyone in fear of loosing you."

"Oh, dont worry about that! Its fine!"

"Thanks :)"

"So does that mean... you are dating another guy???"

"Um well... yes... Why do you ask?"

I paused at this moment and just stared at his answer for a while. A frown quickly became my expression and I almost began to cry. I knew that he was dating someone but now another guy?! How could this be.... I quickly responded though so he doesn't get suspicious.

"Oh yknow just curious about that stuff... Well I got to go... My mom is calling me. TTYL"

"Oh um yeah see ya..."

I laid down and shoved my face into a pillow and began to cry. A man that I got along with perfectly and who was not only kind but smart AND sexy, was taken. What did I expect?! It was not like he would date me or anything.... All I could do was lay there in holding my pillow and crying my eyes out. I never should have started to fall for him! I knew it! This always happens.... 3 other people I tried to date or move onto something more than friends either moved, weren't interested, or was dating someone! I give up on trying to date, its pointless. I sat up and held my pillow tightly holding it as I wiped my tears. This was never going to work out.... I sighed and laid back down then cried again thinking to myself, "Why do I try?" The only problem was that tomorrow was Saturday.... I have to go hang out with him again and I don't know how I am going to act or what I will say! I guess.... maybe.... no... I couldn't cancel or skip, it will be obvious! I will just have to deal with this.... I guess...

I stood back up and wiped my tears again and looked at my computer to see Tanner's facebook picture just staring at me. I sigh and close it then jump back in bed trying to sleep through the rest of the day.

[Hello everyone, Tanner here.

Hope you guys enjoyed that Chapter, I decided to do something different and crazy with my story so yeah. Don't worry too much now guys I will continue to write and maybe in the later chapters, Zanner can finally exist. But yeah thanks for reading! Hope you all enjoy my story! Also there will be a NEW Story coming out soon, so I will be switching between stories for the next week. See ya!

-Tanner S.]

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