Medieval Day and Continuation from last Chapter

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Hey everyone.

I kinda got sidetracked last chapter, so what I was gonna write there, I'm now writing here.

(Okay, I don't think that that last sentence made any sense. Oh well)


Yesterday at school, it was Medieval Day and me being me, I dressed up as a princess.

I wanna be a princess.

But yesterday we all gathered in the 'great hall' (great hall in quotation marks (is that what they're called?!) coz it's just a normal hall. Named a great hall for the day) and we did worksheets and word searches and all that kinda stuff.

Incase anyone noticed (I don't thing the TEACHERS did), but they DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAVE PENS, PAPER, SCISSORS, ETC IN THE MIDDLE AGES!!!!

And if we were in the Middle Ages, I don't think anyone woulda actually be able to read or write anywayz...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh welllllllllllll...

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