Steep Hills + Scooters = INJURIESSSSSSS

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I was riding my cousins scooter...

Down a really steep hill...

And I fell off...

Because the brakes stuffed up and didn't work.

So I fell off.

And got injured.

(If u don't like blood or stuff, I suggest u stop reading now)

My knee got covered in blood.

My stomach has a scratch from my rib cage to my hips.

My hip has a graze.

And, last but not least..

(If u really hate blood and cuts and stitches, and, for some reason, you're still reading.... please stop reading now)



I think my elbow needs stitches.

4 days later...
Still bleeding.

It still stings.
And hurts.

And I can't even look at it without feeling like I'm gonna faint.


The lesson is.

Don't ride scooters down steep hills. You never know if the breaks will work or not.

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