Chapter 4 -New Friend

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Louise Pov

After i gave Lauren a ride she texted me saying thank you

"I'm here Rev!."i shouted and put all shopping bags at the table.

"Thank you! "she said and quickly look at the shopping bags.

"I'm going to sleep."i said and prim nodded with a smile


Lauren Pov

"Lauren your dad and i we're travelling to london to finish the business there!!"mom shouted,as i walk down they already left.

I want to call Louise but I'm afraid she might be busy working,few minutes later i got a call from Louise

"Hello?"i said
"Are you busy?"she asked
"No?"i said with a little bit confused
"Can i go there?"she said
"But I'm afraid your busy working."i said back
"Nah just finished my work."she told me
"Ok if you want to."i said and few minutes someone knocked at the door

"Hello!"i said but it's not Louise.

"Hi miss me?"he asked,he came closer and closer our lips almost touched

"What the hell are you doing?"i asked but he's smirking it's scary.

"W-what?"i asked when he came closer and closer to me causing me to be cornered.

"Your mine Lauren."he said and he lean down to kiss but i pushed him.

"What the actual fuck your here!?"i shouted at him but he's quick he grab me and throw me in the couch.

"Is this what you want huh?"he said

"Stop or else I'll kill you."it's Louise thank you your always to the rescue

Louise pushed him.

"What the hell get out here we're having fun."he said angrily.

"But Lauren don't like."Louise said.

"What? Are you two dating huh?"he shouted

"What if we are huh? You have nothing to do with it"Louise said I'm shocked by what she said.

"You two do not match Lauren belong to me."he said and start walking towards me but Louise punched him hard.

"Lauren is mine."she said the cold of her tone it's giving me goosebumps.

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