Chapter 19 - Reality

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Lauren Pov

I was staying at the hospital,the event in freen company was today i can't go because I'm not okay yet but i can be discharged tomorrow and tomorrow was my parents party.

Lo:Hi love make sure to eat breakfast I'm already here at the company.

Chats:Lo:Hi love make sure to eat breakfast I'm already here at the company

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Lo:hehehe I'm nervous love today is the release of our new products.
La: don't be love you can do it I'm here always
Lo:i love you love the event will start.
Lo: good luck love.

Lo:pretty, eat at the right time and take medicine

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Lo:pretty, eat at the right time and take medicine.
La: already done baby.
Lo:hehehe i love you
La:i love you more
Lo: I'll make it up to you later after this event I'll go there.
La:love we talked about this right you need to rest before you go here
Lo:you are my rest love.
La:aw love need to go bye

"Cute"i said to myself tomorrow was my parents party and I'll get discharged later in the evening

I'm so happy because I'll get discharged and tomorrow i can see my love again

"Honey,are you excited?"mom asked me

"Yes mom."i said,yes because i can see my love again.

"Are you excited for the party or to see Louise again?"dad asked dad knows about freen and i

"Both dad" i said and he nodded

*In the evening*

I startled when my phone starting to rang i look at it and see Louise's number i immediately answer it.

"Hello?"i said

"Love I'm heading there so bye."Louise said

"Love we talked about this"i quickly said before she hung up

It's been an hour she's still wasn't here i texted her

"Did you know there's an accident near this hospital"some nurses talks and passed by

I'm starting to feel like there's something wrong but i don't know what.

"L-Lauren Louise she's in the hospital now."Kit said panting

"What??"i said

I rushed to go down to find Louise when some doctor passed by with a patient

"Louise?"i asked my self

"Louise!!"i shouted and chase the doctor they blocked me

"Louise" i let go of the doctor and hugged Louise's body don't care if i get blood on my shirt.

Kit Pov

"Love wake up please,what about our promises you promise to go with me in my parents party right"Lauren said she's hurt all of us.

"Love why did you leave me?"Lauren said desperately

"Love what about your promises you even said to me you will never leave but why did you leave me??"Lauren said while hugging Louise body

"L-Lauren."i said and pat her back hoping she would calm down but no

Lauren Pov

Love, why did you leave me like this?

It hurts so fucking hurts why do you need to leave me why love?

It's not living anymore.

"Lauren"Kit said and pat my back but i couldn't help myself but to cry in freen's arm

We're here outside the emergency room waiting for doctor update

It's been an hour when a doctor came

"I'm sorry we can't revive her she lost too much blood on the accident we can't do nothing she gives up"the doctor said

"Please do something doc i know you can do it please I'm willing to pay a billion just do anything to revive her"i said but the doctor just shake his head and walk out

It's not the same anymore.

It's ok if i give up right i choose to be your strongest soldier but now i chose to rest it's okay right love

"I'm sorry.."i said and ran outside Kit chase me when suddenly

I heard a truck horn, it was loud.

"LAUREN STOP"Kit said but the truck was fast it hit me

I'm sorry love, now we can be together again.

"LAUREN!!"the last voice i heard before everything gets black.

I love you i will never get tired of choosing you.

I love you with all my heart.

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