Chapter 15 - Eat

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Louise Pov

I know Lauren was still jealous about what happened but she's so cute at the same time

"Love eat with me please"i said because she's just staring at me

"Go eat I'm sulking."she said and continued looking

"Hey love I'm sorry please"i said because she's ignoring me

"Tsk just eat."she shortly said

"Love?"i said

"What?"she said and rolled her eyes

"Cute."i said

"Huh??" She asked

"Nothing I'm done eating,go eat or I'm going to eat you"i said with a smirk

"H-huh oh ok" she said

"Slow give the spoon I'm going to feed you."i said and grab the spoon

"No i can handle myself get back to work."she said

"Love please don't be mad I'm sorry i swear she kissed me suddenly i didn't know"i explained to her

"Really?what if someone just kissed me suddenly how would you react?"she said she got the point

"Look I'm sorry love."i said

"If you want her just stop dating me."she said

Girl what?

"No love stop that please i won't break up with you."i said

"Ok."she said

"I-"she was about to say something when suddenly i kissed her lips

Her lips so soft i licked her lips to ask for an access and she gladly open her mouth we're fighting tongue to tongue my kisses went down to her neck i sucked her neck and put a mark on it she's so beautiful i was about to unbutton her shirt when suddenly someone knocked we're both startled so i quickly cover her.

"Mam Boss I'm sorry but can i take a leave my mom was sick."the employee said

"Yes you can."i said and the employee thank me after that i locked the door to continue what we're doing

"I'll get going bye."she said and unlock the door

"Hey love stay here with me."i said and grab her we're in the couch I'm on top of her

"Love I'm sorry please forgive me"i said one last time

I kissed her hungrily and she kissed me back no one wants to make it passionate we're just like hungry wolfs my kisses went to her neck and I'm starting to unbutton her shirt it's just beautiful i grab her mountain and squeeze it softly she moan while I'm squeezing her two mountain i sucked her right mountain and mark it this is mine only mine.

"L-love"she said and i just kissed her to calm her down

"I'm sorry love."i said

"Ok i forgive you."she said

And i quickly play with her mountain sucking it my hands went down to her sensitive spot pulling down her undies

"Can i?"i asked her

"Y-yes"she said

When i inserted two fingers she moan

"Ughhh love it hurts"she said and i gave her a kiss while putting it in and out

"Love i need to pee."she said and i chuckled

"Just let it all out love."i said and faster it all her juices spread out and i licked my finger in front of her she's blushing

"Love go back to work aishh"she said before go to the bathroom.

"It's sweet next time i will eat it with my tongue."i said she just ran to bathroom.

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