Chapter 5 -Hang out

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Louise Pov

I called the police after the guy knocked out because he keeps bothering Lauren.

"Are you alright?"i asked Lauren because she was silent

"Oh yeah thank you btw if you weren't there-"she said

"Shh stop I'm here already."i cut her words.

"Hmm ok..."she said and i hold her hand because it was shaking.

"Your hands are shaking."i said looking at her worried.

"I'm ok don't worry."she said smiling

"Uhm... let's go to that milktea shop"i said and she look at me excitedly

"Yeyy thank you Louise."she said like a child

We buy milktea for me and her's and we talked about some things.

"Where are your parents why are you alone?"i asked her.

"They went to london to finish some business they'll be back after three months."she said, the heck why would they left their daughter alone.

"Then i wouldn't be sure if you're safe in that house maybe... Come with me then?"i said she looked confused about what i said.

"Hmm sure"she said smiling and drink's her milktea.

"Really??"i asked

"Yeah"she said and we both drink our milktea

After we finished drinking we went to her house to get some of her clothes and drove to my condo.

"You'll be staying here for three months."i said,did she even listening??

"Wow this is bigger than my house."she said looking at the whole room.

"Hmm yeah ok that's the room" i said and pointed the room.

"Hmm I'll go get sleep"she said

Suddenly my head start to hurt

" head..."i said looking for my medicine becky was sleeping already at my room

I finally found my medicine,i drink it and go back to my room

"Your so beautiful."i said smiling at Lauren while she's asleep,i put some pillows in the middle because I'm afraid she won't like seeing me with her in the bed.

"Goodnight.."i said

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