Chapter 16 - Distance

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Laurem Pov

It's been a week since the last time we did it Louise have to work overtime because she had so many clients sometimes we argue about it because she don't have much time sometimes she doesn't sleep and eat sometimes she's mad at me for not understanding what the situation was sometime when's she's sick I'm the one who take care of her but she just love her work.

"hi love are you coming home later?"I said while talking to her on the phone

"Yes, I'm going home."she said on the

"Ok I will cook food tonight"I said while on the phone

"don't eat first, I'll eat here, maybe I'll go home late"she said on the phone

"Ok can you buy me milktea? Before you go home?" I said on the phone

"I'll try." She said on the phone

"Ok love."I said and she turned off the phone

12 midnight

Freen Pov

Why the light's turn off? Is she sleeping

"I'm home"i shout but no one answer where is she?

"Love?"i check our room but she's not there i check everything but she's not home

"Love?"i quickly get my phone and dialed her number but no one answer

Maybe she's in her parents house,i quickly drove off and went to their house

"Good evening dad"i said before asking where's becky

"Good evening it's late why are you here?"Lauren's father said

"Is Lauren here?"i asked

"Yes in her room"he said

"Uhm where's her room?"i asked it's weird because i always go here but don't know where her room was

"First room in second floor"he said

"Thank you dad"i said and quickly got there

Lauren was sleeping so i decided not to wake her up

"Love I'm sorry i don't have time for you."i said and kiss her forehead

"Love?"she said while sleeping she slowly open her eyes

"I'm sorry my love I didn't make time for you" I said and kissed her forehead

"My love, I understand that you really love your company."she said and hugged me

"Love I'm really sorry"i said and hugged her tight

"It's ok just go home it's late"she said and i looked at her processing what had she just said

"H-huh?"i asked her

"Go home it's late you need to sleep for your work tomorrow" she said

"No i won't until you come back to our house"i said

"This is my house"she said

"But love i really miss you so bad"i said

"I know i miss you too love it's just I'm tired today"she said

"Come back to me.."i said

"I'm not leaving"she said

"I have milktea for you"i said and handed her the milktea i bought

"Love i really miss you please go back to our house please,everytime i was in work i always think about you if you're eating on time if you're okay if you're sick it's just i need to work for us i need to work for you just so i can give you what you want."I told her while begging her to come back home with me.

"I'm fine, love, I'm worried about you because even when you're sick, you still want to work and sometimes even when you're angry, I'm always there to understand you, I'm just tired."she said her tears were rolling down her face

I wiped her tears and kissed her

"I really miss those lips is it ok if i sleep here?"i asked her

"Yes it's okay"she said and hugged me

I lie down next to her on the bed and hugged her before we both fell asleep.

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