Chapter 17 - Passed out

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Louise Pov

"Love i need to work overtime again sorry"i said

"It's okay love i understand."she said but i don't know how to response

"I love you love i will come home tonight"i said

"I love you more love,just don't overwork yourself"she said

"I'm the who said that to you my love."i said  because she have those sleepless night she doesn't eat anymore

"Kiss me before you leave love."she said and i quickly kissed her i held her nape to deepen our kiss but i pulled away because i need to go work

"I love you love."i said and give her my sweetest smile

"I love you more my love"she said and waved goodbye to me

*Few hours later*

I was surprised when suddenly my phone rang with a message from my friends saying Lauren was in the hospital because she passed out earlier

I immediately took the key and went to the hospital they said, I don't care about my job anymore, the important thing is that my love is in the hospital now

Lily greeted me Lauren's parents are in the room.

"How's she?"i asked

"Doctor said she's okay now she just need some sleep"Lauren's Mom said

"Thank god."i sighed in relief knowing my love was okay

I can't live without her.

I quickly get a chair and sat beside her and caresses her hand

"Love can you please stay strong i can't leave without you love don't leave me."i said and kiss her forehead cause that's all i can do for now i don't want to woke her up

She woke up because of my little kiss

"love you here, I thought you would take care of something in your company"she said

"Honey, you are more important"i said and kissed her

"Love can you take a leave?"she said her eyes say it all

"Yeah i can I'm the boss anyway."i said with a teary eye i can't lose this girl

"Thank you love."she said and i kiss her forehead again.

"No worries love."i said and kiss her lips

"Just promise me that you will go to my parents party"she said

"Yes love i will go."i said and kiss her hand.

Minutes later her parents came in

"Thank you for looking for her."her parents said

"No worries mom"i said

My love i won't leave you i can make time for you love I'm here always if you need me.

I sat in the couch just in case my love needs me.

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