Chapter 6 -Starting

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Lauren Pov

It's been a week since i lived with Louise it's only temporary because she's scared i might get hurt again.

"Blood!"Louise shouted when i look at her she look pale about to pass out

"Louise be careful next time."i said and  took the knife in her hand

She's cooking.

"What are you doing huh?"i asked her

"I'm cooking for you can't you see?"she said

"Well let's clean your wound first then I'll help you cooking."i said and she nodded.

"Yup finished."i said when i finish bandaiding her wound

"Next time be careful so you won't see blood again."i said because she clung on to me for like a minute now

"Ok.."she said but still clinging onto me so i kiss her forehead.

"Yaaaaahhh why you did that!"she said in shocked

"What you like it?"i said with a smile

"Y-yeah..."she said trying to hide her shyness

Why am i feeling a butterfly in my stomach.

Louise Pov

Lauren and i were really close friends now there's no thing we don't know with each other.

I had to admit i really like her not as friends i want her to be my lover but i kept it secret.

"Lauren!!" i shouted because she's in the room for about ten minutes she said she will fixed herself

"Why my Louise"she shouted,my louise!?!?.

"Come let's go"i said when she go down here in the living room

"Ok!!"she said and ran to me

We're going to amusement park

"Louise look,it's so cute"Lauren said pointing at the life sized teddy bear

"I'll try my luck today!"she said happily

1st shot failed
2nd shot failed
3rd shot failed

"Argh i guess this is not my day."she said

"Let me try."i said



"here."i said while giving the teddy bear to Lauren

"Woah you didn't tell me you're a sharp shooter."she said and i admit it she's cute.

"Let's try that one"she said and many hours passed we're already at my condo

"It's tiring but thanks for here"she said pointing at the teddy bear we got.

I'm feeling butterfly in my stomach. Again

"I'll take a shower first then you go."i said to her.

"Oki"Lauren said while playing at the bear she's ignoring me now

After a few minutes Lauren fell asleep while Louise taking a bath

"Aw where's Lauren?"i said because i didn't see her at the sofa

I went to bedroom to see that she's there she's asleep

"Lauren i don't know how to say this but i think i like you."i whispered to her

I don't think that's a good idea.

"Yaaahhh Lauren!"i shouted to woke her up

"Hmhm what?"she said

"Go take a bath."i said and she got up and went to bathroom

aishh so cute.

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