Chapter 6 Settling In

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After the welcome home feast ended, the prefects escorted their houses to their dormitories. Slytherin House was in the dungeon. Ryujin found it distasteful but shrugged it off.

There was a door on the right side of the Entrance Hall (if coming down the Marble Staircase facing the front doors of the castle) that was most frequently used by Slytherin students to get to their common room. Behind the door were stone steps that descended deep into the dungeons.

Note that this door was different from the entrance to the narrow staircase that led down to Snape's office.

The entrance to the common room was located behind a bare stretch of stone wall in the dungeons of Hogwarts Castle.

The common room was a dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. This dungeon extended partway under the lake, giving the light in the room a green tinge. The common room had many low-backed black and dark green button-tufted leather sofas, skulls, and dark wood cupboards. One of the wooden tables had a Wizard's Chess set on it. It was decorated with tapestries featuring the adventures of famous Medieval Slytherins. It has quite an elegant atmosphere, but also quite a cold one.

“The password to the common room changed every fortnight, and it was posted on the noticeboard. Slytherin students were warned never to bring students from other houses into the common room or to reveal the password. Supposedly, no outsider had entered the common room for more than seven centuries,” The Prefects explained.

“Boys' Dormitory was a room off of the Slytherin Common Room, while the girls are off to the left of the Common Room. Your things have already been placed in your rooms. It will be four to a room. Our Head of House would like to welcome you to Slytherin.”

Professor Snape swept into the Common Room and looked at his first-year students. His eyes landed on Ryujin. After Ryujin's performance in the Great Hall and the revelation that he was not James Potter's son and that the boy, a prince at that, was put in his Slytherin House, Severus rethought his position on the boy. The young man wasn't at all what he expected. Ryujin was arrogant, but he had the power to back it up, and Severus found it amusing that Professor Dumbledore tried to control Ryujin, but the boy didn't fall for it. His eyes passed over Ryujin, and looked at Hermione Granger, a muggleborn. She stood close to Ryujin, and Snape knew the girl was under his protection. Severus did not doubt that Ryujin would be the new Prince of Slytherin.

Severus looked at the rest of the first-years and began his speech, “Good evening, I am Potions Master Severus Snape, your new Head of House. For those that don’t know me yet, you will soon find that I expect precision and hard work in my classes. The same can be said for my expectations of this house. I will not run this house as Professor Slughorn ran this house nor as Professor Dawlish ran this house. From now on, this is my house.

“The first rule of Slytherin House under me is that your actions represent me and the rest of this house. If you are found dishonoring this house, your punishment here will be tenfold what your punishment is out there. The second rule is that we are all Slytherins. There are no purebloods or half-bloods or muggle-borns in this house once the sorting hat calls out Slytherin! You become a child of this house. The rest of the school reviles us for our ambitions and the missteps of Slytherins in the past, so we must band together. Never forget that this is the house of Merlin. There is no shame in being a Slytherin. But while the rest of the world scorns us for the actions of Voldemort, we must stand united. Therefore, I expect disagreements in the house to end outside these rooms. Your fights may reign here, but in public, we have each other’s backs. There were too many attacks against us last year, so the Headmaster has told the professors to crack down on fighting in the halls. Things should get better, but do not expect that to happen overnight. Also, though the teachers have been ordered to stop bullying, know that most fights will still be blamed on us no matter who starts it. From now on I want all of you to travel in groups. If I catch you out on your own, it will be detention with me.”

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