Chapter 3: a Herrscher's Wrath and joining St.Beacon

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It has been a few minutes after defeating the Grimm and Emperor class honkai beast. we see Ruby standing on top of the ruins cliff with her team standing close. before the ridge we see Jaune and his team sitting on the ground exhausted by the fight from the deathstalker and further on we see Kiana and her team standing nearby the honkai beast's corpse tired and out of breath.

Kiana: we did it Mei-senpai we actually defeated an Emperor class honkai beast.

Mei: indeed we have, and we couldn't have done it without her.

Bronya: miss Mei is indeed correct the Bronya estimate that we would of have sustained heavy damage without the power and leadership of this girl.

the three girls turned to their side to see Y/N a little further out from the honkai corpse. he was is just standing there looking towards the sky until he start to suddenly fall to the ground. both Kiana and Mei called out to him as they run to catch him Kiana was first to grab the unconscious boy before he hit the ground while Mai check if he has any injury.

Mei: it seems like she is not hurt anywhere, I couldn't find any wounds on her it seems she has just overexerted herself, Kiana-chan can you carry her back to St.Beacon we can't just leave her here?

Kiana nodded at Mai's order she was about to pick up Y/N but then she felt him move in her arms. Kiana looked down as Y/N slowly got off Kiana's arms and start to get on his feet. as Y/N was now on his feet he slowly start to open his eyes Kiana tilt her head in confusion she could've sworn that his eyes were blue but right now they look more like pale ice blue. but Kiana shake this thought out as she got up in front of Y/N.

Kiana: hey are you ok, you shouldn't get up that quickly let me help you get to somewhere safe.

Y/N: I'm fine no no I'm more than fine this is perfect very perfect hahaha.

Y/N is now giggling uncountable as he slowly approaches Kiana with a creepy smile that seems to frighten her. meanwhile, Fu Hua was observing Y/N throughout the whole fight, and even now as he fell unconscious and reawake. but her once calm demeanor vanishes once she saw what Y/N was holding in his hand, Fu Hua rushed to Kiana leaving an afterimage behind her. she appears beside Kiana and sends a devastating punch to Y/N that send him a few feets away.

Kiana: what the hell Fu Hua why did you attack her?!

Fu Hua: you should still be on guard Kiana even if she was helping us we don't know anything about her and what I did just now was saving your life.

Kiana turns to look at Y/N to see a block of ice floating at the area where Fu Hua attack him, Kiana also sees that he was now holding a knife made of ice in his left hand. Y/N? brought his right hand to his face as he start to laugh like a maniac.

Y/N?: ahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! I was sooooooooo close too but I knew that it wouldn't be that easy, now come humans show me your will to live!!!

before Kiana could say anything Y/N? disappeared and reappeared right in front of her and delivered a strong punch to her guts sending her flying into Mei as the both of them fell to the ground. Fu Hua wasted no time as she starts to fight in CQC the both of them were evenly matched until Y/N? went for a kick to the stomach Fu Hua was able to block this but she felt that something was wrong so she quickly backed up and she was right as icicles appeared out of the kick. Fu Hua was about to jump back into the fight when rockets flew past her heading straight to Y/N?.

as the rockets drew near Y/N? created a dome of ice to protect himself from the explosion. Bronya was now floating beside Fu Hua with project bunny behind her aiming at the dome of ice.

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