Chapter 8: The right to be a leader

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LOCATION: Changing room

in the academy changing room, we can see our protagonist Y/N shadowboxing, once he was finished he sat down on a bench and let out a long sigh.

Y/N: I'm so fucking screwed.

the boy has a nervous expression on his face.

Y/N: "I shouldn't have raised my hand, why am I so dumb I still don't know how to fight, I'm truly screwed if I don't think of a way to win this, first let's think of the pros I have to win this fight, first is my strength it seems to be equal to Kiana I don't know if this has to do with having Kaslana genes within me or it might be something else, second is the dream I got when escaping the Ganesha it was strange but I was able to learn how to do gun-kata from Kallen."

Y/N: "Those are the only pros I can think of, now the cons, the first is what's inside my body. the Previous Era Herrscher core while this could be seen as an advantage I still don't know how to use it probably currently I can make a small amount of ice like a dagger but that is all I can do without using the key of fullness to amplify the Herrscher core power. second is that this is my third day at Remnant, being able to walk, not being terminally ill, and not being confined to a small room for the rest of my life, it's still taking me some time to get used to this."

Y/N: "Even the fight against the honkai best at the Initiation felt like a fluke, what should I do I'm not like those fanfic characters that can instantly solo everything in their story I'm just a normal human, well I used to be."

Y/N was holding his head in his arms and letting out a long sigh he was so absorbed in finding a way to win that he didn't notice someone calling him.

Weiss: Y/N! Y/N!! Y/N!!! snap out of your thoughts your dunderhead!

Y/N finally snapped out of his thoughts but he was startled to see Weiss in front of him, which caused him to suddenly fall backward to the floor, looking up he could see Weiss was standing next to him with a disappointed expression.

Weiss: what are you doing you dolt get up already.

Y/N got off the floor and stood across Weiss.

Y/N: hehe sorry about that I'm just nervous about this fight.

Weiss: if you are so nervous why did you raise your hand?

Y/N: well I was kind of bored with the lecture so I just naturally raised my hand hearing we get to fight a Grimm.

Weiss: oh god you are more of a dolt than Ruby is.

Y/N: hey! I'm not that bad and anyway, what are you doing here?

Weiss: what else you dolt I'm here to get change.

with that Weiss went to her locker and started to strip I quickly looked the other way but I still got a glimpse of Weiss's white panties, after a few seconds Weiss was ready in her combat outfit and with Myrtenaster on her hip.

Weiss: what are you doing you dolt why arent you changed yet.

Y/N: "shit, I can't get change in front of her, or else she will find out that I'm a boy I need to think of a way out."

but before Y/N could replay Weiss just scoffed and left the changing room leaving Y/N alone, he let out a sigh of relief.

Y/N: "Let's get ready before I get late"

Y/N concentrates his honkai energy forcing it to flow into the ring on his hand, once done a bright light covers the entire changing room once the light fades we can see Y/N in his battlesuit.

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