Chicago - Part I

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"Look at you!" Kelly exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Buck's soulders and pulling him to his side. "One year ago you were but a probie when you crossed the doors of Fire House 51! Now at 21, you got your shielding ceremony and your certification in Bomb Disposal!" Everyone cheered around them, making Buck blush in pride. They were in Molly's, celebrating Buck's twentyfirst birthday. "When you crossed those doors you did not know you were going to find a family. What I did not know is that I would get the most adorable little brother in the world."

"Aww! Look at you Severide! Since when are you such a sentimental?" Dawson teased, making their teammates chuckle.

"Since I got this golder retriver as a brother!" kelly replied unashamed. "And I'm so proud!"

"Well, you are the best big brother I could have ever wished for," Buck looked at Kelly with a beaming smile and a look filled with admiration.

"Kid... I love you," Severide hugged Buck, teary and very sentimental- after this was the kid that helped him move on from Shay's death.

"Those two," Casey turned to Boden, chuckling and shaking his head in amusement. "I hope they'll never change."

"Those two? Never!" Boden agreed.

"So, what will Buck start his Urban Search and Rescue course?" Casey asked his Batallion Chief.

"In six months, I've already taken care of his schedule," Boden answered. "Even with all his trips, he keeps a very organized shcedule. Balanced and healthy."

"Isn't he taking a long weekend off, starting from tomorrow?" Casey inquired amused. "First one of the year, if I am not wrong. Where is he going now? Last year he went to Detroit and later to Indiapolis."

"He is going to Columbus and he already had me add a trip of another five days to Nashville, to the schedule I reorganized to add his new certification. "Boden chuckled. "That boys loves to travel and to learn. Alwways keeping himself busy."

"It's good that he has something he enjoys outside of being a firefighter, we tend to close ourselves too much on each other that we tend to forget to have a life outside what we do," Matthew said, taking a sip from his beer, laughing when he saw Buck grimace at the taste of his beer. Casey could still not believe he had never had alcohol until today. "He can be quite reckless at work... then again, is it really reckless when he analyzes the situation before acting. Buck likes to take dangerous, carefully, calculated risks. However, he has the most balanced and healthy life style of all of us."

"That boy has a good head on his shoulders," Herrman agreed, joining them on the bar. "He wakes up every morning at six, does his morning excersice, and then goes to work. Not to mention, he has a perfectly balanced diet and goes every Sunday to the farmer's market. My wife adores him, he's always helping her with her bags. The kids think he is the coolest and are over the moon whenever he can babysit them. I'm just glad that they seem to have been inflected by Buck's love of learning."

"He also seems to have friends everywhere," Mouch commented, joining the conversation. "Wasn't he suppsoed to be new to Chicago?"

"Many of them are friends from his boarding school and university, though, I've got a couple from all the travels I've done," Buck stratled them. They all turned to him, as if they were kids caught with their hands inside the cookie jar- making Buck snicker. "I also joined a gym to practice boxing and I'm taking Spanish lessons. I made quite a few friendships there."

"Spanish? I thought you took classes at the Univerity of Florida," Mouch replied.

"Yeah, but with the double major course I did, I decided to take it slow," Buuck answered.

"What's the secret?" Casey cut in. "How can you keep your lifestyle so balanced and healthy, yet so packed at the same time?"

"Routinee, I've been doind this since I've been thirteen. Also, lots of therapy," Buck told them honestly. "Keeping a schedule is something that works for me but not for everyone. I need the stability otherwise I'll blunder. You need to find what works for you. But therapy is key. At first, I did not know how talking about something would help? Even before the job and all the trauma that being a firefighter brings. However, it did wonders, helping me find my center and later to keep my balanced and healthy lifestyle, as you call it."

"Therapy does more than just help you get over some trauma," Boden agreed. "You just need to find a therapist that clicks with you."

"I got lucky and found mine early on, Dr. Copeland is incredible!" Buck smiled.

"Then maybe I should get one," Casey murmured.

"Maybe," Buck replied. "Hey! Will! Is that you?!" Buck skipped towards a redhead, who had just come in with Detective Jay Halstead. "Man! It's been over a year! How are you?"

"Buck?! What are you doing in Chicago?" Will smiled, bringing the blond into a tight hug.

"I'm working with Squad 3 at 51," Buck answered. "What about you?"

"I got a job at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center, they took me as a fellow physician in Emergency Medecine!" Will answered.

"Well, it seems that we will be seeing eachother a lot," Buck's hands lingered on Will's arms. Before he stepped back and turned to Jay. "Detective Halstead it's good to see you in better circumstances."

"Well, bombings tend to sour first time meetings," Jaw joked, keeping a close eye on how close his brother and the fireefighter were standing. "How do you know eachother?"

"We met while my ex-boyfriend and I were visiting New York Ciity, on my summer after graduation. I presented him to a Wall Steert Broaker friend of mine, that I had met during a student exchange program to Belgium back in high school," Buck answered turning to Will. "Did she help you?"

"Ex..." Will murmured stunned, making Jay raise an eyebrow. "Oh, right! She was awesome! Her investments helped me pay off my med school debts and a good medical inssurance," Will smiled at Buck. "She still works with me from time to time, to help me pay off any debt of me dad's."

"That's awesome!" Buck beamed, making the redhead blush. "We have to meet and catch up. Are you up for lunch... say, two weeks from now?"

"Yes! I mean, of course!" Will exclaimed as Buck left the to the bar.

"Since when do you like guys?" Jay teased his brother. "And isn't he a little too young for you?"

"Shut up!" Will muttered face planting on the table, ignoring his brother's snickers.

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