LA - Part VII

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It took a while, but Buck had recovered from his injury- even making it to Jason Mont's trial. The whole 118 and 51 Fire Housed were there to support Buck. Instead of going back to work as soon as he was discharged, he decided to take time off and do the Wilderness Search and Rescue Certification with Eddie.

Everyone was quite relieved about that. They had been worried about how much and how fast Buck had pushed for his recovery, especially Bobby, Maddie, and Eddie. Though, Eddie was fully supportive with whatever Buck chose, even the fast pased recovery routine. It was not like Buck was being reckless, he was going to therapy and had a doctor at every step of the way. Doctors who he listened to.

Still, one week until Buck was scheduled to go back to work and a couple of days after he and Eddie had gone out to celebrate the ending of their certification, Chris had decided that he wanted to go to the Santa Monica Pier.

It was not the best idea...

"Bucky!" Chris shouted, as a woman held into him tight over the firefighter engine they had found safety.

There had been a tsunami, Chris and Buck having been at the point of break. How they survrived and only had been separated for a few minutes, Buck will never know but will thank God all his life. Buck had found a nice and solid firetruck to stay on, but could not stay there without doing anything. So, he went to work and out all those certifications he had done to great use, saving over a dozen of people.

"Here!" Buck shouted back, helping a little girl back to her mom's arms on the firetruck and got back up. "Come here Superman!" Buck wrapped his arms around his kid and held him tight.

It had been a long and tirering day... one that was far from over.

What made it worse was the fact that Eddie knew that they were planning on going to the pier and they had lost their phones on the first wave. Contacting him was now impossible.

While on the bus, all Buck could think about was Eddie. And how they did not have enough time, how they would never have enough time even if they lived forever.

Buck loved Eddie like he had never loved anyone before. He wanted to spend his life together with him.

Now, if only they survive this tsunami.

Which became true, later than any of them would have liked. As Eddie went insane with worry, while trying to focus on his job and trust Buck to keep their son (yes, their son) safe. At the end, Buck and Chris were able to make it back him, where they were finally able to get a call across. Well, they called the 9-1-1 response center, where Maddie worked, she later conatcted the 118 and told everyone the good news. Of course, Eddie rushed to them as soon as he was able to. He then dragged them both to a hospital for a full check-up. Eddie did not care that Buck promised that he had already been checked by an E.R dodctor, Eddie wanted the opinion of Buck's main doctor. Buck's injury could have become worse because of the strain the tsunami had put him through. Luckily, the doctor said that nothing was wrong with Buck, that he had already been completely healed by the time the tsunami had hit. But he did recommend an extra couple of weeks to rest. Which Bobby was more than happy to give.

Buck felt like he was dying, he did not want to rest for longer. He was going insane with nothing to do. So, when Owen and TK called, telling him they were moving to Austin to revive a fallen Fire House, Buck could have not packed the bags faster. He even dragged Chris and Eddie with him all the way to Austin. Luckily, classes were cancelled because of the stunami and Eddie had taken some time off to be with his son and boyfriend. Austin was beautiful and a place Buck had not been to before, so everyone had enjoyed their time there. Eddie ended up talking with Owen a lot, giving him advice of how things worked in the south and how different it was from New York City. Buck, whenever he was not being a tourist with Chris, he had dragged TK clubbing. Buck wanted TK to get himself out there and find someone. So, for the week Buck was TK's self-appointed wingman.

Ironically, enough, it ended up working and TK met this hot police officer. Officer Reyes. Captain Strand liked him... sorry, Battalion Chief Strand. The new captain of the 126 is Captain Ryder, with TK being the Fire House's lieutenant. Buck was very happy for his Strand men, they deserve it.

Especially, after they helped him with something very special.

"It was nice of Owen and TK to look after Chris for the night," Eddie commented content, as Buck and him walked hand in hand after a very nice dinner. "Especially, since we are leaving tomorrow."

"Yes, they are very nice," Buck agreed with a smile. He looked at Eddie, loving how beautiful he looked under the moonlight. Buck finally reached the gazebo TK and Owen had prepared for him. He gently walked Eddie under it and held his two hand with care. "Eddie... when the tsunami happened I had an epiphany. I realized that no matter how much time I had with you, it will never be enough. I love you, Eddie." Buck confessed, pouring all of his love into his words. Eddie looked teary at his boyfriends, both touched by his words and sad at the reminder that he had almost lost his two most important people in the world. "I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He pulled out a box and showed him the wedding ring he had chosen for him. A simple white gold band with the Saint Christopher cross. "WIll you marry me?"

"Buck... yes! Yes, I will marry you!" Eddie exlcaimed, accepting the ring and kissing his boyfr... fiance!

Eddie could not imagine being happier than he was then. His son was alive and happy, and he was engaged with the love of his life. Yes, life has never been sweeter. 

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