LA - Part I

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"You don't seem to get along with Chimney," Bobby commented to Buck one night, as they were doing paperwork together at Buck's house.

When the chief told them that they had recruited a newly appointed lieutenant for the 118, a 26 years-old-man, Bobby is adult enough to admit he was not sure what to think of it. Then Buck came through the 118's doors and the whole Fire House changed.

For the better.

He was well liked by everyone, polite and knew fluent German and Spanish. He was a great translator with panicked and injured tourists. He was an amazing chef, and Bobby enjoyed having someone to cook with- especially, with all the international cuisines and books he had gathered from his trips.

He also possessed great knowledge that aided them in calls. He followed orders when given, but if he s a sees etter way of doing things or knows that he is able to save a life safely, he did not hold back. He talked back, politely, of course, and debate his plan. He might seem reckless to some, but once you listened to him you know that he has a reason for everything he does- an intelligent reason.

He is someone Bobby can trust with his team on calls... and outside of them.

Buck had pointed out how the 118 had not changed as much as Bobby had thought it did. The pecking order was still there, it was simply a kinder one. Where Bobby, Hen, and Chimney stood at the top, and while they were friendly with the rest, it was widely thought that outside of calls the rest of the firefighters were not invited.

The first thing Buck had pointed out, was how Bobby only ever cooked for Hen and Chimney. And even if he did cook for the rest of the shift, it wasn't all the time. How Chimney and Hen meet up with Bobby for drinks, card nights, and dinner, but not with the rest of the firefighters.

It was Buck the one who started cooking for the rest, the one who invited the curious probie to join him and learn how to cook, when she had been to scared to ask Bobby and intrude the inner circle.

It was Buck the one who organized monthly poker tournaments, held at the final week end of the month. All the firefighters were invited, they did not bet money but the drinks and snacks they brought. It was always fun to watch them argue about the worth of what they are betting. Even some of the chores they have to do at the Fire House end up sneaking into those bets from time to time.

It was Buck the one who organized bi-monthly BBQ and potlucks at his house, where even the families of the firefighters were invited. Even the kids get to come and enjoy the screening room. He also, whenever he had time, loves to babysit the kids of the Fire House. Even Hen and Karen leave Denny with him during some week ends.

It was Buck the one who offered to tutor the other firefighter who were trying to get their Bomb Disposal Accreditation, or their Paramedic Accreditation, or their Urban Search and Rescue Accreditation. He was the one who offered to teach Firefighter Walker Spanish, so he could impress his new dominican boyfriend. He was the one who supported and encouraged other firefighters to take the Maritime Search and Rescue course, even joining them.

That's another thing Bobby was very proud of Buck, his love to continue learning, to never stop learning. His encouragement for others to do the same and lend a helping hand if they so need it.

Buck was the heart of the 118. The one who really made them a true family.

So, it was weird for Bobby to see Buck keep Chimney at arms length. Especially, when others have started to notice it. The more experienced firefighters don't let allow it to bother them, but the probies who worship Buck are beginning to copy him.

"It's not that I do not like him... I just don't approve of some of his life choices," Buck answered, playing with the pen in his hand. "He is lying to his girlfriend, taking credit to your cooking and saves he did not commit. And while that on its own is enough to make me question the character of someone..."

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