LA - Part V

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"Hey! Welcome back!" Buck cheerful greeting, made Eddie smile. He calmly made his way to the living-room, where Buck was aiding Christopher study German. "How did it all go?"

Buck looked a little bit worry, which made Eddie smile softly at him. Ever since their meeting at abuela's Eddie's life was quite turbolent. But now that he can pause and enjoy it, Eddie knew that it was for the best.

Oh, he fought and raged with his grandmother, after her plot was revealed. But after meeting with Shannon again and realizing that she did not have it in her to do what was best for Christopher... he went through with the divorce and gained primary custody over his son.

She loves Chris... but can't understand the need for someone like him to follow a schedule. Shannon did not have it in her to put in the effort. As bad as it sounded, she had never wanted to be a mother. At least, now she was capable of admitting it and was doing the best for her son.

"All good," Eddie smiled and leaned down for a kiss. A kiss that he had stopped himself from giving until the divorce was finalized and he was a free man. "Finally! It's all over."

"Good," Buck's smile was sweet and soft, as he leaned forward for another kiss. "Then, would you both like to join me for a camping trip at Big Sur this week end?"

"Weren't we going to the Zoo?" Chris pouted at Buck, who melted at how adorable my son was.

When did I get this lucky? Eddie thought, as he watched Buck promise Chris that he'll take him the following week end. Eddie really hopes nothing ruins this happiness.

Of course, he just had to go and jinx himself! Because of abuela's big reveal, they never got around to tell each other to which Fire House they belonged to.

Which ended up being the same...

"Cap, maybe next time instead of wanting to surprise me about our new recruit and not telling me who you hired... it would be better to keep me in the loop," Buck sighed, as he turned to Bobby.

"What? Something wrong?" Bobby asked us confused, as Hen and Chimney turned to watch them curiously.

"Nothing wrong, we are just dating and now we will need to fill so much HR paperwork!" Buck moaned in dispear, as Eddie readied himself for a battle.

"Oh... oh! Only you Buck!" Bobby laughed at the situation. "I'll have it all ready for your next shift guys."

"Just like that?" Eddie looked at Buck startled, as Bobby turned back to his cooking.

"Just like that," Buck smiled reassuringly at Eddie. "You'll soon realize that we are all a family here."

"Welcome to the 118!" Chimney slapped Eddie in the back, before following Hen to restock the ambulance.

This time around, he did sound like he meant it, therapy has been great for him.

"Now don't go relax, we get the craziest calls," Buck wrapped an arm around his shoulder and smiled conspiratioly at him. "Are you ready?"

"You bet I am!" Eddie smirked back.

And what a day they had. Explosive! Quite literaly! They ended up the day with a litetal bomb!

Not that Eddie minded, he only had eyes for Buck. Watching him be a lieutenant was a huge turn on. Buck being competent and in charge was so hot that Eddie had him pinned against a wall the moment they had entered Buck's house. Christopher was staying at Eddie's tía Pepa's place.

"You looked so hot out there!" Eddie growled, dragging Buck into another ardent kiss.

"Did you see yourself disarming that bomb?" Buck growled back. "I almost came in my pants!"

"Well that's something I did not want to know about..." a female voice commented, sounding both amused and uncomfortable.

"W-what! Maddie?!" Buck exclaimed startled as he pushed Eddie away. "What are you doing in LA? Shouldn't you be in Boston with your husband?" He frowned he noticed Maddie flinch at the mention of her husband. He knows that reaction, he has seen it before in many victimes of domestic abuse. "I see... you've always been stubborn. Maddie you'll stay here until everything is solved, I have contacts in Chicago PD that won't mind doing me a favor."

"Evan! There's no need! I only need to stay a couple of weeks until I found my own place and get a job..." Maddie tried to protest but got cut off by an angry Buck.

"Buck, my name is Buck not Evan. You would know that if you had kept in contact with me," Buck's cold tone had Maddie flinching. "But I know now that it was not your choice."

"Never! Evan... Buck I missed you so much! You've grown so much little brother..." Maddie was in tears as she hugged her brother.

Eddie, on his part, sighed in relief as the beautiful woman in his boyfriend's house seem to be blood related to Buck and not an ex.

"Buck, I'll go and get Chris from tía Pepa's, we can pick up our date night later," Eddie told his boyfriend as he was heading for the door.

"I'm sorry," Buck appologized, but kept his arms around his sister.

"Don't be, family is important," Eddie smiled in understanding, before leaving

"Sorry I interrupted your date," Maddie's apology was muffled against Buck's LAFD jacket.

"Don't be, Eddie is understanding. Now let's focus on you," Buck turned to his older sister. "How long has it been going? And do not lie to me. I think we've let lies command our relationship for long enough."

"Ever since we got married..." Maddie admitted with shame, unable to look at his brother. "At first it wasn't all the time... it would happen from time to time and he would apologize... then it got worse..."

Buck tighten his arms around Maddie and bit down a growl. "You took care of me when our... parents would act as if I didn't exist, let me help you out now."

"I shouldn't put you in danger," Maddie shook her head.

"The sooner we get ahead of this, the sooner it will be over. I have contacts in the Fire Department, Police Department, and goverment. Allow me to use them and let's put that son of a bitch behind bars!" Buck told her with conviction. "Let's do this together!"

"Ok," because what else could she say when he is looking at her like that. "Let' do this together.

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