LA - Part II

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"Cap... what will we do?" Hen asked Bobby in concern.

They were in the waiting room at the hospital, while Chimney was having surgery.

Bobby sighed, Buck had been right. Chimney was autodestructing himself. Now in his anger he had caused an accident. Luckily no one, other than him, had been hurt, but the situation will be investigated.

Luckily, Buck was not in LA at the moment. Having gone for a long week end with various other young firefighters to Las Vegas. That boy really loves to travel, the first thing he had done once he got to LA was to get to know every inch of the city, and of Hollywood and Santa Monica as well. Now he has friends all over the place, not to mentioning those he had made in boarding school and univeristy, that ended up living in LA.

There's already plans for him to take a long week end trip to Portland in a couple of months. All of them pre-planned in advance and perfectly coordinated with Bobby's help.

"We will wait, there's nothing else we can do," Bobby answered, deeply tired.

"We should have answered the call, that's what Chimney wanted us to do!" Hen complained. "Now the other Firefighter Captain sent a complain and Chimney is being investigated!"

"As he should be Hen! He acted in a way unbefitting of a firefighter! People could have gotten hurt!" Bobby snapped at her, making her look at him in shock. "Hen since when did we start making excuses for him? Had it been anyone else, we would have been the first ones to have our complains heard! We could have not gone to the scene, because it is morally incorrect! He is someone we know! The same way doctors should not treat family."

"But it is Chim," Hen replied.

"That does not put him above the rules," Bobby told her. "He will be investigated, just as anyone else would." Hen stayed silent after that, getting up to go and buy some coffee. "Hi, Buck, how's Las Vegas?" Bobby answered his iPhone when it rang.

"Good! Trying to keep the guys from betting all their life savings and drinking themselves to oblivion," Buck laughed. "We even had to drag Mia away from a chapel, she almost married this cute bartender."

"Ha ha ha, it seems that you guys are having fun," Bobby chuckled, glad that at least someone was enjoying the night.

"We are! I still have no idea how I'll manage to drag them from their beds tomorrow in time to catch the plane back to LA, but somehow I'll have to manage," Buck replied with a cheerful tone. "How are things going in LA?"

"You were right... Chimney crossed the line," Bobby told him.

"What?" Buck's cheerful tone was gone, and he was all business and worry now.

"He got into a car accident, he got hurt, luckily no one else did," Bobby sighed. "There's going to be an investigation, as eyewitnesses claim that he was the one who had caused it."

"I see..." Buck hummed. "Good thing I'll be returning tomorrow." There was a pause. "Bobby, maybe you should stay with Hen until I get back."

"I... you are right," Bobby sighed. "I'll ask them."

"Good," Buck replied, happier now. "Good night Bobby, I need to go and get Walker, before he decides an open-mic night is the perfect idea to gloat about how handsome and hot his boyfriend is."

"Good night, Buck," Bobby chuckled, ending the call.

"How are the kids?" Hen inquired with a small smile, more relaxed now.

"Well, Buck has his hands full with them, that's for sure," Bobby answered, accepting the cup of coffee that Hen had offered him.

"You were right," Hen sighed, sitting next to him. "Chimney has been losing control for a while, and all I did was stand back and let it happen."

"If you had noticed, why did you not stop it?" Bobby asked her in confusion. "I missed it completely, if it hadn't been for Buck and the probies."

"Because my private life is a mess right now and I did not want my work life to be the same," Hen chuckled withour humor. "It's was easier to just ignore it... however, not only did that affect the station but also Chimney. I should have had his back... I should have stopped him from badmouthing Buck. He is such a good guy!" Hen's expression showed how guilty she felt. "He is a Golden Retriver! Denny adores him and he has done so much for Karen and me, while we try to fix things."

"All we can do now is to be better," Bobby told her gently. "Chimney will most likely need to go to anger management sessions and go to therapy... he will also be reprimended and have that in his record."

"Hopefully, that will be the wake-up call he needs," Hen murmured.

"May I stay with you guys tonight?" Bobby asked his friend.

"Of course!" Hen answered him with kindness. "We need each other right now."

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