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kim gaeul pov

"eh? what- reviewer? what the-" i said many things that i didn't even notice that yujin was laughing at me.

"a reviewer. for biology. why? didn't you listen to our professor? he said, we are having a short exam tomorrow." she said to me and explained.

"eh?? why i didn't know that?" i said loudly.

yujin laughed at my confused face.

"nevermind. i think you didn't listen so.. yeah nevermind." she said then took out her textbooks.

"fuck. i kept thinking about liz that i didn't even listen to my professor." i face-palmed because of my confusion.

"by the way yujin, can i ask you something?" i suddenly asked her when she was about to read her textbooks.

"yeah.. what is it?" she said and looked at me.

"uhm.. why are you with wonyoung earlier?" i asked her and she looked at me like i was about to be killed.

"she hangs out with me often if you're not free. i don't know why." she said and continued reading.

"can i ask something again?" i asked her again and she looked at me.

"yes. what is it?" she asked me.

"how did you two get close?" i asked like an innocent puppy who is curious about everything.

"uhm.. i can't answer that, gaeul. well, she became close to me because she said something to me that needs to be kept from you." she said and looked at me and held my hand.

"please, don't be mad at wonyoung. she will tell you soon." she said and squeezed my hand even tighter.

"kept from me?" i asked myself and i walked away like nothing happened.

"wonyoung... kept something from me? fuck. i'm really curious." i face-palmed because it's really confusing me.

"ugh.. nevermind. i'll just go study." i said and took out my textbooks.


it was morning and yujin is still asleep.

i looked at her sleeping face.

"beautiful..." i whispered and removed her hair that covered her eyes.

"i wish i could turn back the time..." i said to myself and realized that i've been staring at her for almost 5 minutes.

i quickly got up from the bed and took the towel in the closet.

"damn.. why did i do that? but she looks so pretty though.. erm.. nevermind." i said to myself and looked at the mirror and didn't know my face was so red.

i started to brush my teeth and go to the sink.

while i was showering i heard the door opened.

"maybe she'll brush her teeth?" i said to myself and continued showering.

suddenly, she opened the door of the sink.

"AHHH!! WHAT THE HELL!" i screamed my lungs out when she opened the bathroom door.

"fuck! i'm so sorry gaeul." she said and covered her eyes and slowly closed the door.

i covered my body with a towel because i was done and opened the door.

"s-sorry.." she said and lowered her head.

i stared at her and she looked at me.

"i'm really sorry." she looked at me straight in my eyes.

"okay.. but don't do it again!" i said and pointed at her.

"alright.. i'm sorry again.. but you look sexy though." she said and smirked.

"fuck off." i said and she laughed at me.


i was preparing for our breakfast but then i remembered the scene earlier.

i closed my eyes aggressively because of what happened earlier.

suddenly, I felt some arms hugging my waist.

"what are you cooking?" she asked me and i looked at her.

"pancakes- wait why are you backhugging me again?" i asked.

"why? is it wrong?" she asked me.

"yes. it's wrong. now stop backhugging me and sit there." i said and didn't listen to me.

"hey, yujin-ssi, i said sit the-" as i was completing my sentence, she then kissed my neck.

"w-what are you doing- nghh~" i asked her and suddenly she sucked my neck leaving a hickey.

she then left and sat at the dining table.

i was standing there dumbfounded for 1 minute straight.

"dang, i hate you so much yujin. stop making me feel this butterflies."

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