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tw; deadly weapons, blood, kill1ng

kim gaeul pov

here i am sitting at a nearby bench in the park while waiting for minju.

minju said she will meet me at the park but i've been waiting for like 11 minutes already.

"hey!- sorry for being late!" someone said and patted my shoulder.

"oh- it's okay.." i said and minju smiled at me.

"so uhm, i was planning to hang out with you today so uhm, are you okay with it?" minju said and looked at me.

"yeah. sure!" i smiled excitedly and do little jumps.

"alright. come with me." minju grabbed my wrist and dragged me and i saw a white van.

"why a white van though?" i asked her.

"i don't have a car and i borrowed it from my brother." minju said and i slowly nodded.

minju was opening the door and as i was entering the van, someone covered my nose and mouth which i barely can't breathe and all i know was that minju was smirking at me.


ahn yujin pov

i was waiting for gaeul to come home because it was like 3 hours since she's gone.

i was panicking because what if she's in trouble? what if she's dyin- wait no that can't be..

i suddenly remembered that unknown number saying 'good luck protecting gaeul'.

"fuck.." i mumbled but that can't be real. maybe she's just eating in a fast food restaurant i guess?

suddenly, my phone vibrated which means someone is calling me.

unknown number
accept 🟢 | decline 🔴

this was the number who kept texting me..

i quickly accepted the call and slowly put the phone on my ear.

"h-hello?" i stuttered but i didn't care and i heared someone was mumbling something.

"hi yujin. glad that you accepted my call." someone said and sarcastically laughed at the call.

"minju...?" i mumbled.

"why did you called me?" i asked her but she just kept laughing and that made me annoyed.

"tsk. alright i'll tell you." minju said.

"basically, i kidnapped your love of your life." minju said and i gasped.

"fuck! why did you kidnapped her?!" i said angrily but she just laughed again.

i heared her say something and i know that this is not minju anymore.

"please open the window..." someone said weakly and i know that this is her.

"GAEUL! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" i said and almost cried because of how much i missed her.

"y-yujin..?" gaeul exclaimed and weakly laughed.

"yah! where are you right now?" i asked her but then minju suddenly took the phone and said something to me.

"stop with the lovey dovey ugh.. by the way yujin, come here at our usual place." minju said and i was confused.

"huh? what place?" i asked her.

"at my house.." minju said and ended the call.

"fuck.." i said and aggressively took my needs to save gaeul from that psychopath. knife, wallet, and i mostly hide this at my closet. a gun.

i closed my door and waiting for a taxi to come.


i was now at the empty abounded house and i saw minju mouthing 'come here'.

i quickly come to her bedroom but i saw someone was locking the room.

"w-why did you do that? i was supposed to en-" i was cut off by a voice that i don't wanna hear it ever again.

"hey, yujin. nice to see you again." minju said to me and winked. i rolled my eyes because of annoyance.

"can you free gaeul now." i said to her but then she just shrugged.

"only if you let me love you." minju said and smirked while i gasped.

"the fuck?! no! i loved someone already! stop with this nonsense and leave me alone!" i shouted at her but then she just rolled her eyes.


idk maybe i won't continue the ive series bcs im too lazy too think about the story so 🤷🤷🤷

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