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kim gaeul pov

here i am. eating peacefully while watching the two happily laughing at something.

"hey!! can i sit here gaeulll??" someone tapped my shoulder and asked me.

"huh? oh liz! sure sure." i said and smiled at her.

liz sat comfortably and looked at me.

"hey? you're zoning out." she said then looked at where i was looking.

"huh? wonyoung and yujin? why are they together?" she mumbles which i can hear clearly.

"liz? do you know them?" i asked her and she looked at me.

she nodded and sighed.

"hey? why did you become sad? i'm sorry if i said something wrong." i said and continued to eat.

"no, it's just... nah i can't tell you right now." she said and continued to eat.

"alright.. but, can i perhaps have your number? i wanna get to know you better." i asked and smiled at her.

"okay, sure." she then took out her phone and handed her number to me.

"i'll nickname you 'my dog's name'." she said and laughed like a maniac.

"i hate youuu!!" i hissed and laughed at her red face.

"well atleast, i did make you laugh." i mumbled and continued to eat after a laughing session.

the bell rings and all of the students left to their respective class.

"i gotta go now, gaeul. i'll text you when i get home. buh-bye!" she said and waved at me like crazy.

i laughed at her craziness and waved back.

i went back to my classroom and saw yujin talking with wonyoung.

"well it's not bad to eavesdrop on their conversation right?" i said to myself and walked to them.

"dang it, wonyoung left." i said to myself and then continued to walk even though i heard something from their conversation.

i don't know if i heard it right but wonyoung says "i'll take her notes." and then she laughs. we don't know.

i continued to walk to my classroom and i reached my seat.

i saw yujin going to her seat, which is on my right and then she looked at me.

dang it. i remembered it again. glad that liz didn't notice the hickey.

"good at hiding your hickey, babe." she said and smirked.

"what did you just call me?" i asked and looked at her.

"i said kim gaeul." she said and when i was about to talk, our professor came in.

"dang it." i said to myself and yujin chuckled.


classes are over and i exited to my classroom and then someone is trying to jumpscare me.

"BOO!!" said the person.

{A/N : sorry if it's a bit cringe TT}

"FUCKING SHIT!!" i screamed my lungs out when i saw liz laughing the hell out of me.

"what do you want?!" i said and looked at her waiting for an answer.

"i want ice cream... hehe" she said shyly and i scoffed.

"aish.. why did you even scare me? i hate you." i hissed and she chuckled.

"bro, that wasn't even funny and the teachers are looking at me." i said to her and she nodded.

"okay. who asked for your opinion?" she said and looked at me.

i glared at her and she laughingly ran.

"tsk. she's scared of me.." i said to myself and chuckled.


it was almost 7:00 PM and i didn't have intentions to go home because liz is literally treating me like all the stores in the park.

"geez, why are you treating me? as if you're that rich." i looked at her and she just smiled.

"i don't know. i just feel like i want to treat you." she said.

i nodded and continued eating our ice cream.

suddenly my phone made a 'ting' sound.

i looked up to my phone and saw a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number
Active Now

Unknown Number
hey where are you?
it's already 7:00 PM and you didn't have intentions to come to our apartment.
this is yujin.

i know
i'm with liz
dw, i'll be back soon :)

Unknown Number
come home quickly. the food i cooked is getting cold.

i didn't know that you're good at cooking.
bro, i think the food looks burnt 😔

Unknown Number
fuck you

HAHAHAHAHA i was just joking yk 😘

i suddenly gasped about the emoji i sent to her.

"dang it too late. she saw it." i said to myself and face-palmed.

"wow, i didn't know that you're whipped for yujin." liz suddenly talks and playfully slapped her arm.

"bro, what the heck? i'm not whipped for yujin." i said and rolled my eyes. she chuckled in return.

"i gotta go now liz. or else, yujin will kill me if i don't come home." i said to her and waved at her signalling her that i'm going home.

"alright. buh-bye. i'll text you. nice hickey though." she said and laughed and i gave her a middle finger in return.


i knocked at the door and waited for the door to open.

i have the keys and i'm too stubborn to look for them in my bag.

and no one opened the door for me.

"eh? alright i'll just go in." i said to myself and found the keys in my bag and opened the door.

"i'm homeee!!" i shouted hoping for an answer.

"maybe she's asleep?" i said and, yeah. i was right. she's sleeping. in the living room.

i tried to wake her but she wouldn't move or something.

"yujin? yujin-ah. wake up. you should sleep in the bedroom." i said to her and i was about to go, she then held my hand.

"don't go..." yujin whispers and tightens the grip in my hand.

"why? did you have a nightmare?" i asked her and she slowly opened her eyes. a tear left from her eye and i gasped knowing that she was crying.

"hey? yujin. what happened?" i asked her and she slowly got up from the couch and hugged me.

i have no choice but to hug her back.

and then, i heard little sobs coming from her mouth.

"shh.. it's okay... you can cry on my shoulder..." i said to her to make her feel comfortable.

"i'm sorry."

{A/N : there's a spoiler there for the next ive series hehe}

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