Chapter 9: Healed

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Kion walked back into the tree. Rani was organizing the herbs she used to heal Kion. She turned around, "Oh hi! What are you doing here? Did you open a wound? I told you this would happen."

"No it's not that," Kion sighed sitting down. "Then what's wrong?" Rani asked. "Aisi and Alphonse. They weren't really my friends. They were just defending me from Blaze and the others," Kion explained.

Rani looked at him sympathetically, "Not everyone was meant to be a friend." Kion sighed. He tried to sulk down, but that hurt him stomach. He groaned.

Rani chuckled, "Kion stop hurting yourself. C'mon up onto the rock." Kion didn't move. Rani wrapped her tail around him, forcing him up to the rock.

"Lay on your back. It will soothe your stomach," Rani explained. Kion reluctantly did so.

Rani took the cobwebs off his stomach, which had some blood on them. Rani threw them out of the tree. She went to the back, and grabbed fresh cobwebs.

Rani wrapped them around Kion's stomach. He winced in pain. "Sorry Kion," Rani apologized. "It's fine. It doesn't hurt as bad as being stabbed in the back," Kion replied.

Rani shook her head and went back to wrapping him up.

Rani finished. "Kion, if you feel any pain, like really intense pain. Yell for me immediately. You could have an infection if that happens," Rani explained. Kion nodded. "Is there something to help with the pain?" He asked. Rani nodded. She walked to the back of the tree, and came out with Poppy seeds.

"Here," She held her paw out to him. Kion ate them, and quickly sighed in relief. "Better?" Rani asked. Kion nodded.

Rani grabbed a leaf that was by her paw, and gave it to Kion. "This is Tansy. It will help you fall asleep," Rani explained. Kion ate it.

A few minutes later, Kion was out like a light. Rani chuckled and walked out.

Ananda walked up to her daughter, "How's Kion?" "Upset that Aisi and Alphonse weren't really his friends. But his physical health, seems ok so far. I gave him a patch up," Rani explained.

Ananda smiled, "You're so smart. I'm glad you're my daughter." Rani nuzzled her mom, "And I'm proud to be your daughter."

"Is there going to be another competition soon?" Ananda asked. Rani shook her head, "No. It's unfair to everyone else of Kion doesn't have to compete and just sits and does nothing. We are going to wait untill he is able to run and climb like he once was able to," Rani explained.

Ananda nodded. "I'm going to tell dad," Rani said. She started walking off, when she heard a roar come from the Tree.

"That must be Kion," Ananda said, "Go help him, I'll tell your dad." Rani nodded and ran into the tree.

Rani heard the scraping of claws, and groans of pain. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

Kion was on his back, his claws scraping into the rock. Rani shivered at the sound. It hurt her ears.

Kion groaned again. Rani ran to him, "Kion what's wrong!" Kion didn't answer. Rani unwrapped the cobwebs.

"No! How could I not notice! I should have been more careful and observant," Rani sighed. Apparently Kion's wounds were infected, but she was to lost in thought to be able to notice.

Rani sniffed the wound, "It's not bad, you're just overreacting," Rani said to Kion. Kion just groaned.

Rani grabbed some Goldenrod, and Yarrow. She mashed them together, and rubbed them on his wounds. She could feel Kion loosen up.

Rani got fresh cobwebs for him, again.

"T-Thanks," Kion said weakly. "Save your strength," Rani smiled. Kion's head fell back.

Rani layed at the side of the tree. She would stay, to make sure nothing else was wrong with Kion.

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