Chapter 18: You Owe Me

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Sahasi didn't see his daughter leave. He clawed at Zin's chest. Zin roared and clawed at Sahasi's face. He just barely missed Sahasi's eyes.

Sahasi bit into Zin's neck, and his body went limp. Sahasi let go, and Zin fell down, dead.

Sahasi turned around, "He won't hurt you anymore Ra-" He looked around, "Rani? Rani! Where are you!" Sahasi ran around looking for her.

He ran into the tree, "Ananda! Rani's gone!" Sahasi shouted. Ananda jumped up, "What! We have to find her! Set out a search party!"

Sahasi and Ananda ran out. They roared and after a minute, animals surrounded them.

"Our daughter has gone missing! Search throughout the kingdom!" Sahasi shouted. The animals were shocked, "The princess is gone?"

"We will find her!" An animal shouted. They all ran around. After everyone left, Ananda broke down. She collapsed.

"Ananda?" Sahasi turned to her. She was on the ground. "Ananda!" Sahasi nudged her. She didn't move, but she was still breathing.

Sahasi looked around, "Nirmala! I need you!" Nirmala walked up, "Yes?" "It's Ananda! Somethings wrong!" Sahasi shouted.

Nirmala gasped and looked at Ananda. She listened to her breathing, and heart.

Sahasi paced back and forth anxiously. Nirmala looked up, "Ananda is having a panic attack!" Sahasi froze, "We need to help her!"

"I'll help her, you go look for Rani," Nirmala said. Sahasi nodded and ran away. Nirmala looked down at Ananda, "Don't worry, you'll be better in a bit."

Rani woke up, wrapped in Kion's arms. She purred and licked his muzzle, "Wake up sleepy head."

Kion groaned and pulled her closer. He opened his eyes and smiled, "You woke up before me."

Rani nuzzled him, "I'm not a sleepy head like you," She chuckled. Kion pinned her down, "Oh yeah? Every day, but today I woke up before you. I even had to hunt for you," Kion smirked.

Rani wrapped her arms around his neck, "Maybe, but I woke up first this time." "So? Are you going to hunt for me then?" Kion smirked.

"Who wants to eat when I can Snuggle with you," Rani kissed him. "Trying to manipulate me into hunting for you huh?" Kion raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe," Rani pulled him down. Kion smirked and licked her cheek. "So, you gonna hunt for me now?" Rani asked. Kion chuckled, "Alright." Rani smiled. Kion hopped off of her.

Rani stood up and stretched. "You are going to hunt for me eventually," Kion chuckled. "No I won't. You are the hunter now," Rani giggled. She nuzzled him.

"Why don't we hunt together?" Kion asked. "Actually, I love that idea a whole lot more," Rani smiled. They nuzzled.

"Ok let's go!" Rani jumped up. Kion and Rani ran to the plains.

There was a herd of Antelope. Kion sat down. Rani got into a hunters crouch, and crept up to the herd. Kion watched her.

Rani ran up to them, but she tripped over her paws. The Antelope ran away. Rani sighed. Kion walked up to her.

"Missed it," He chuckled. "I'm such a klutz," Rani blushed embarrassed, "This is why I want you to do the hunting. I'm not good at anything."

Kion lifted her chin, "Rani, you are perfect. And I love you, no matter what."

Rani smiled. Kion smirked, "Now let the experienced lion hunt." Rani gasped. Kion chuckled, "I'm just kidding." Rani pushed him gently, "Don't insult me like that!"

"I'm sorry," Kion licked her cheek. "You owe me," Rani smirked. "Alright. What do I have to do?" Kion asked with a chuckle.

"I want cubs," Rani smiled. Kion froze, "" Rani frowned, "So you don't want cubs? Yet you wanted to have fun?"

"It's not that I don't want cubs, it's just..." Kion trailed off.

"What?" Rani asked. "I don't know if I'm ready yet," Kion finished. Rani nuzzled him, "Well you better get ready soon. You owe me."

"I'm sorry I insulted you," Kion apologized. Rani chuckled, "I forgive you." "Can we just wait a little longer?" Kion asked.

"Alright. But you still owe me," Rani replied. "Ok, what do I need to do for you?" Kion smiled.

"Grow your chest mane faster!" Rani said. "Hey I like my mane the way it is," Kion chuckled. "Who said I didn't like your mane? I just want you to grow your chest mane faster so I can have a softer pillow," Rani giggled and pinned him down.

Kion laughed, "What is my fur not soft enough for you?" "It is, but I want you to be softer," Rani smiled. "I can't decide how fast my chest mane grows," Kion chuckled.

"I wish you could," Rani nuzzled him. Kion purred. "Alright, because I'm a horrible hunter, can you catch the food?" Rani asked.

"Of course." Rani let Kion up. "Watch, maybe you'll be able to hunt as good as me," Kion smirked. Rani flicked his ear with her tail. Kion chuckled and ran off.

Rani was waiting for Kion to get back. "Rani! Rani where are you!" Rani gasped, and turned around. "Dad!"

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