In the Beginning, God Created Heaven and Earth

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Everyone stood, braced, prepared. 

They had been through the process many times before today, so they all knew what to expect. The summoning of a new ghoul was not rare in itself, but the circumstances where certainly strange, and it put everyone off. The silent ghouls could smell it off of everyone, they where nervous, for good reason of course. 

It was custom that new ghouls would only be summoned at the rise of a new Papa, or the loss of one already under their council. So when Papa Nihil sent for a ritual preparation out of nowhere it put off everyone.

Had something happened? Did an important ghoul pass? Why was all of this coming out of nowhere?

These where the thoughts in the heads of all present for the impromptu summoning. As the chanting started the ghouls widened their stances, braced for an attack. A summoning almost always meant the same story, a random ghoul would be sent to them, unprepared and afraid. The ghoul Dewdrop rolled his eyes, he knew it was a bit much to have eight trained ghouls take down one scared and confused young-ling. Either way, he did as he was taught and hunched down hearing the ending of the forever familiar incantation.

But this time was different. Very, very different. The symbols on the floor began to glow a bright red, nothing out of the ordinary, but when the light faded is when everyone was caught off guard. 

Instead of the thrashing and screaming that they where used to, the new ghoul stood in the center of the floor, hand folded neatly behind their back, un-moving. 

Everyone was silent. 

The new ghoul slowly gathered their bearings before gracefully stepping forward towards the elegant chairs in which the most important of the clergymen sat, eyes wide. The ghoul looked to Papa Nihil, he sat in the middle of all the others, high and separated by a short wall. He too looked on in surprise, shock, some might even say horror, at the unbelievably calm scene in front of him. 

"I understand that I am at your service, your dark eminence." The ghoul said as they knelt on one knee, bringing one hand over their chest and the other behind their back.

Nihil continued to stare, only to receive a quick pinch from the thin woman sitting beside him. Dewdrop held back a smirk, the whole site a bit funny to him, but not enough to feel the wrath of Sister Imperator if he were to laugh at this.

"I- uhm- yes yes of course..." Nihil managed softly, already winded from just the small amount of effort to speak. "Apologies for my rudeness, I am Nihil Emeritus, but you may call me Papa Nihil if you wish. Welcome to the church of Emeritus my child." 

"Thank you Papa, I hope I can be of much use to you." The ghoul stood, straightening and turning to the other ghouls, and they finally got a good look at them. 

They where tall, somewhere in the middle of Swiss and Aether, with broad shoulders and perfect posture. They walked with the grace of a dancer and spoke in a low, soft voice. Everything about their figure screamed elegance. Something strange to see in a creature from hell. Though it was non of this that truly caught the attention of the other ghouls, no. All eyes where drawn to the figures face, a mask covered everything. There was nothing special about the mask, save for the fact that it was there in the first place, a plain black mask, black lenses shading their eyes from view. It wrapped around the back of their head and held itself in place at the base of their skull.

The more the eight pairs of cat-like pupils looked over the ghoul before them, the more they noticed the lack of grey. Not even an inch of skin was showing, no tail, gloved hands, and mask truly hid this person from their view. 

A low growl was apparent suddenly, almost to voice the apprehension the others felt. It had come from Dew, deep in his chest he voiced his distrust. The stranger simply tilted their head, asking silent permission to step forward. Despite their better judgment, the ghouls led the newcomer through the halls, into a room where they could formally meet the Papa's. 

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