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To say that the situation escalated from there would be an understatement, but not for the worst, anyone there would agree. 

"Well?" Whisper said to the group of beautiful ghouls in front of him, hoping for something positive, but instead he got nothing. Not one being even shifting in their seat, eyes gazing at him, unblinking. 

"I- Uhm-" He started, suddenly extremely embarrassed. "Sorry, that was very...upfront of me. That's my bad." His hands made to quickly fasten his shirt back into its place, his mind foggy in shame. Had he read the situation wrong? Did he make them uncomfortable?

He reached to do up the lowest button on the shirt when a pair of strong hands wrapped around his own. He looked up to see Swiss, who he hadn't even heard move from his seat. 

"You are beautiful." Swiss told him, not a hint of pity or falsehood in his voice. The loving tone of his voice along with the praise in his words made Whisp look at him, wide eyed and stumbling over his words. 

Suddenly Cirrus was next to Swiss. Whisp saw her looking down at what he could assume was his chest, then her eyes shot up to meet his eyes.

"I like your tattoo!" She beamed up at him. "The only one here with a tattoo is Dew. I never would have expected that from you!"

"Oh." He was still shocked, but much less nervous now. "I have a couple tattoos actually." Whisp glanced at Dewdrop, still sitting on the couch. "I didn't know you had a tattoo." 

Dew stood up and lifted his shirt, an old beat up band tee, just above his stomach. Arching over his belly button was his tattoo. In fancy lettering was the word Sodomizer

"Are you fucking serious?" Whisp dead panned at him and the small fire ghoul broke down laughing. 

"I can't believe you would put it past him." Cumulus said from her spot on a comfortable chair. "He's a little freak. But back to what you said, you have other tattoos?" She brought the attention back to Whisper at once.

"Oh, yeah, a few." He said bashfully.

"Well, can we see them?" She pressed. 

"...OH! Yeah! If you want to!" This wasn't the reaction Whisper had expected at all, and he was glad they wanted to know more about him. 

He shrugged his shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall gracefully to the floor in a heap of fabric. On each arm was another tattoo, higher on his biceps. He held out his arms slightly so they could see them better. On his left arm was a detailed tattoo, it had many lily pads but four distinct and very intricate water lily's, all of the plants where connected with "underwater" vines that wrapped around his arm. On his right arm was a much more simple design, a large dark cloud wrapped its was around the muscle, lighting came from the cloud and stretched delicately down until the middle of his forearm. 

Most of the ghouls had come to crowd him now, looking at the inked up arms in absolute awe. Whisp giggled as Sunshine lifted his arm above her head to see the underside, inspecting the entire thing thoroughly.

"Do your tattoos mean something?" It was Rain this time, he traced a finger along one of the lighting bolts as he spoke. 

"All of my tattoos have some meaning, I have them on my legs too. I know we joked about stripping but I don't that it very appropriate." Whisp joked as everyone finally took a step back to see him fully once more. 

"So what does this one mean then?" Aether poked a water lily to make his point. Whisper stayed silent for a moment, uncomfortably silent, and they could all tell that this was a hard topic for him. 

"I'll just say for now that, I got it for someone who was very important to me." Aether nodded, not pressing any further. "And I think you can all assume what this one is for huh?" Whisp motioned towards the cloud on his other arm. Earning him a light chuckle from everyone in the room. "I'll show you the other ones some other time, they're a little more...personal." He dawned his shirt again and went to fiddle with the buttons until they were secured. 

"So, now what?" Dew asked no one in particular, flopping on the couch like the dramatic little thing he is. 

"Movie night?" Cirrus suggested, all the pointed ears in the room perked up. "I guess that's a yes then, go get all your stuff, I wanna have a slumber party!" 

Everyone scrambled out of the living room quickly, but Whisp stood there still with a confused look on his face. Cumulus noticed quickly, asking him what was on his mind.

"What's a slumber party?" He asked her, getting a laugh out of her. 

"We're all going to sleep out here, and hang out, and eat junk food and shit. Go get your pajamas on and bring anything you want, a pillow would probably be smart." With that she made her way back to her room, leaving Whisp to go and get ready. 

He made his way back to his bedroom. The pajamas he picked where a pair of loose flannel pants and a fitted black tee-shirt. He grabbed a pillow off the bed and looked for anything he might want to bring. He chose to put the Ipod in his pocket with a pair of earbuds, just in case. 

Once he was done he found the rest of the ghouls back in the living room. They all were working together to make what almost looked like a nest out of pillows and blankets. None of them had noticed Whisp enter, and he used this to his advantage. He slowly crept up behind Dew, lifted his pillow above his head, and brought it down on the little ghouls back so hard that he fell forward into a pile of blankets. 

"HEY! WTF!" He said once he turned around. 

"The chance was there, I'd be a fool not to take it." Whisper explained with a shrug. "So, what do we do first in a 'slumber party'?"

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