And God divided the light from the darkness.

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He plunged through the darkness, falling down at a speed that physics could argue with. He didn't feel any of it, but he could hear the wind ripping past his ears as he stared at the emptiness above him in shock. This continued for what felt like hours, but at the same time felt like only a few seconds, until he could sense the floor coming closer at a life threatening rate. 

And with a thud in his chest, he hit the floor. 

He sat up and looked around him quickly, but he saw nothing but his plain room in the abby. The scared ghoul took a deep breath and curled back into his sheets, clutching them as close as physically possible. 

It remained like this, silent and warm, until a gentle knock could be heard on the oak door that separated Whisp from the rest of the world. He pulled himself up with a groan, pulling on his under-mask quickly before he set the silver mass over his head. 

Outside the door was Dewdrop, someone Whisp was not exited to see in the slightest. The short ghoul was flanked by Swiss and Aether, the strong ghouls looked menacing even as Whisper looked down to the three of them. Swiss had a hand resting on Dewdrops shoulder, almost threateningly. No, never mind, it was completely threateningly. 

Dew got shoved forward slightly, causing a small hiss to escape from him as he looked at the ghouls behind him. 

His head turned back to the tall ghoul before him. "I'm here to say sorry." He muttered in the most blunt way anyone could imagine, which only gained him a smack to the back of the head from the multi-ghoul. 

"Don't." Whisp said, sounding stern even as his voice was plagued with the rasp of sleep. It sounded groggy and rough, deeper than normal from the heavy sleep he had been dragged from. Either way, it sounded really hot, and everyone took a slight notice, even Whisp, who made a confident face under his mask.

"Why?" Aether asked after he had straightened up from the sound of Whispers voice. 

"I don't accept apologies from those who don't mean it. Especially if it is not willingly said." He started to turn back into his room, the door creaking shut before a clawed hand caught it. The figures nails dug into the wood with frustration, pushing the door open once again. 

"You know, I don't get you." Dew started, causing Whisp to turn back to face him. "You act so nice, but you can be really scary if you wanted to."

Whisper tilted his head in confusion, was this some kind of backhanded compliment from the snarky little ghoul?

"You could yell at me, beat the shit out of me, and I'd get it. I've been a dick to you." He leaned against the door frame before looking the tall ghoul up and down. "And you're right, I'm not sorry for being rude, but I am sorry that you don't have the guts to actually do anything about it." 

Oh, that's what this is about, I see. 

"What kind of impression would that give others about me hm? I'm not like you, Dewdrop, you are the violent one." Dew lift his shoulders and knitted his eyebrows in offence. "You're little 'challenge' is starting to get on my nerves, and you are going to stop."

The tone in his voice was enforcing, demanding almost, and it was itching all the right spots in Dews fucked up little mind. 

"That's the point though, isn't it?" He took a few small steps up to Whisp.

Aether and Swiss now stood in the door frame, making no move to stop this out of pure curiosity. The tone of Whispers voice had interested them, the mysterious ghoul had never raised his voice before. 

"I'm trying to piss you off, it's fun." Dew looked at his victim with a cocky smile. 

"No, you are trying to get a reaction out of me, Droplet, you want to see if I'm really a threat or not. You're seeing just how far you can push me until I break." With a new sense of confidence, or maybe just annoyance, Whisper had leaned down to Dewdrops face when he dropped the new nickname. 

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