And the darkness he called Night.

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(NSFW IN THIS CHAPTER, and longer chapter)

Life had gotten back to normal, more or less, after the whole ordeal. Some main differences being that Whisp and Dew spent more time together, finally able to somewhat get along, and that Whisp would move his under-mask slightly during meals. It wasn't much, but to the others, it was progress. 

It was the beginning of spring, the snow from the winter months had melted and gave way for beautiful plants and flowers to appear. The gardens where mostly maintained by the earth ghouls and the first Emeritus brother, with the occasional sister of sin stopping by to water some plants. Though Whisper was another regular, taking extra care around the gardens as he listened to his music, calmed by the nature around him. 

Today's plan had been just that, he wore much more casual clothes while in the garden, still covering everything but clothes that he didn't mind sitting in the dirt with. 

He sat on a patch of grass by the vegetable gardens, humming along to the music in his ears as he plucked snails off of the lettuce heads and placed them gently in a bucket beside him. Everything felt right in this moment, calm and almost nostalgic in a way. 

He was drawn away from the lettuce by a light tapping on his shoulder. He moved one side of his headphones to hear the person as he turned around to face them. It was Mountain. Whisper and Mountain didn't speak much in general, so they had only had a small handful of conversations before, and most had taken place right here in the gardens, so he wasn't exactly surprised to see him.

"Hello Mountain, what's up?" He placed one more snail in the bucket before standing to properly talk with the lanky ghoul. 

"I, uhm... I could use some help in the greenhouse if you're up for it, we got a new shipment of flowers that need organizing and everyone else is busy." Mountain stated shyly, his hands clasped in front of his body where fidgeting with his gardening gloves. 

"I would love to! I'll get rid of the snails and meet you in the greenhouse?" Whisp asked, reviving a nod in return as he picked up the bucket off the ground and made his way to the edge of the forest. They didn't tend to kill the snails, but take them far enough away that they wouldn't return to the gardens anymore. For it being a Satanic church, they where quite against harming animals and such. 

He made his way back to his previous spot, changing out his slime covered gardening gloves for a pair of relatively clean ones. He then went to the greenhouse. Not many people ever visited the greenhouse, it was mostly there for the more delicate flowers and plants, so it only ever held Mountain or Primo Emeritus. The most dedicated to the gardens by far. 

The green tinted glass door screeched open, a horrible sound to any man, but ten times worse for any ghoul within earshot. Whisp cringed at the noise as he closed the door behind himself. The noise of the door had Mountain sitting at attention, he was crouched on the floor over a wooden box, presumably full of new flowers.

"So, what are we working with?" Whisp said, enthusiasm in his voice as he took a seat next to Mountain, peering into the box before them. What he found confused him, the flowers where small, and yellow, but all of them looked the same. "What are we supposed to be organizing?" His gaze came back to Mountains, mask blocking the larger ghouls shy smile. They all had to wear their masks outside of their wing, which they all thought was a stupid rule, but a rule non the less. 

"They all look the same, but they are different." Mountain said in his quiet voice, gravely for the first few words because of his lack of speaking, but then turning beautifully smooth and calming. Everything about him was strangely attractive, perhaps not conventionally if you looked at his individual features, but put together they where all perfect. Working together to make the lovely ghoul that sat in the dirt in front of Whisper.

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