And God made the firmament,

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After a little while, everyone had settled into their own little activities. It felt very casual, chill, not what you think of for something that involves the word 'party'. Some ghouls were playing their instruments, some were watching the movie or talking with each other. 

Whisper had settled down with the ghoulettes, all four of them making a small circle on the floor in front of the TV. For a while they just laughed and talked, gossiping or making fun of the cheesy movie that got chosen. Cirrus stood and ran to her room quickly, leaving the group in a confused silence. She burst back into the room wielding a small bag.

"GUYS!" She dropped the bag into the center of the circle. "Lets do nails, we haven't done them in way to long." Her legs folded delicately as she reclaimed her spot on the floor. 

Whisp took the bag and tussled through it for a moment, pulling out a couple bottles before passing it to Cumulus next to him. The two he chose were red and black, pretty expected and basic. 

"Do you know how to do nails?" Sunshine asked him once they had all settled down with their colors. She had chosen a pretty lilac for herself, it would need a few coats before the light color would cover her black nails completely. 

"Oh yeah, I did nails for some girls down in the pit, I like to think I at least know what I'm doing." He opened both of the bottles, which was very confusing to all the girls, but they just continued what they were doing without comment. 

A little while later he closed the bottles, alerting the girls to look at what he had done. He put his hands out, displaying his work to them. They were a beautiful swirl of black and red with a shinny overcoat. Nothing extravagant, as that wasn't Whispers style, but elegant and pretty. 

"Ok, no, you're doing mine when I'm finished with Cirrus." Cumulus had been painting Cirrus's nails this whole time, and hadn't gotten to her own yet. 

"Oh, alrighty then." Whisp sat back to wait, taking in the familiarity and peace the whole situation made him feel. 

He did Cumulus's nails, very simple, a cloudy grey with a small flower design. All the ghouls came to look after they heard the girls freaking out over them. 

"What other weird talents are you hiding from us?" Swiss gave Whisp a heavy pat on his shoulder. 

"He plays flute, that's all I know." Sunshine said from her spot next to them. "What is the weirdest thing you know how to do?" She leaned into Whisp, her tone was accusatory in a funny way. 

"Welllll......." Whisp let out a 'psh' noise to voice his thinking. "Oh, I have one, you'd never guess." He leaned his elbows on his knees. "Prepare yourselves, because I can..." Dramatic pause. "Tap dance."

"Bulshit!" Dew yelled from one of the soft chairs. "Why the hell can you tap dance?!" 

"I am simply a sucker for theatrics my dear Droplet." He placed the back of his hand across his forehead, laughing at the small ghoul. 

They all continued like this for hours, joking with each other, eating, dancing, and eventually laying down to watch a movie together. They had all huddled close together in a large cuddle pile, it could be compared to a basket of kittens with all of the purring coming from the living room. At some point everyone had fallen asleep, comfortable against each others warmth.

Whisp had also drifted off, slipping away from the world around him as the all to familiar black void swallowed his subconscious. It was like his dream before, just the same. Blackness surrounded him as he ran. Though this time, he didn't stop running when the world began to shift. 

Before he knew it, he was standing before a small wooden building. The only appropriate word for the structure would be 'shed', something someone would use for storage and nothing else. It was familiar to  Whisp, but he couldn't place exactly why as he stumbled forward. He made it to the door of the small shack, placing his hand on the handle. Well, not exactly his hand, same as his other dream he was no longer grey. 

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