And divided the waters which were under the firmament...

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(NSFW in this chapter, not plot relevant if you wanna skip over it :) 

A few days later Whisp was in the kitchen with Sunshine after she convinced him to make brownies with her. It was later in the day, after dinner, and all the other ghouls had found things to do until they went to bed, so they were alone in the small kitchen. Luckily away from any grabby hands that might try to steal a brownie-batter covered spoon. 

Whisp was sitting on one of the bar stools, mixing the batter together as Sunny prepped the pan they were going to use, when he got a stupid idea. As non-conspicuously as he could, he picked up a spoon from the counter and dipped it into the brown batter. He lifted it and waited until Sunshine turned around before catapulting a glob of brownie right into her face, hitting her square in the nose with a screech.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" She screamed, trying to find the paper towels without opening her eyes. 

"BULLSEYE!!!" Whisper screamed back at her, jumping down from his perch on the stool. He raced over to her and handed her the towels through a fit of loud laughter. 

"Asshole!" She giggled, pushing him away as soon as the role was safe in her hands, and wiped away at the goop on her face. Luckily, she hadn't worn makeup today. 

She was able to get most of it off, turning to Whisp to ask if she had gotten it all. He walked up to her with the bowl in his hands and studied her face for a second before leaning in and licking a long strip up her cheek to get one last bit of it off. This left her clean, but with a face that was covered in blush. Sunshine, being one of the few multi-ghouls in the group, had part Quintessence in her, and because of this she blushed in a beautiful shade of lavender, one that brought forward her beautiful white speckles hidden on her flesh. The white freckles were without a doubt Whispers favorite feature on Quintessence ghouls. 

He turned his back to her with a giggle and started poring the batter into the pan. In return, she offered a quick punch to his side and picked up the pan, slipping it into the oven and setting a timer. 

"How much time do we have to wait?" Whisp asked, peering over her shoulder. 

"I cook it on a lower heat for longer so they are the same texture all the way through, so about 25 to 30 minutes." She responded and started cleaning up the mess they had left on the counter. 

"Perfect." He said in a low voice, a slight growl finding its way into his statement that made Sunny turn back to him.

"Wha-EH- WHisper what are you doing?!" As soon as she had faced him she had been picked up, Whisp threw her over his shoulder and started making his way through the hallway, leaving the messy kitchen behind. However, he didn't give an answer before a deep chuckle made its way through his lungs.

He burst through his bedroom door and placed her back on her feet in front of himself, leaning down so he could speak into her ear. 

"Plenty of time to get a real taste of you." He gave, quietly and deep, causing a shiver to run through the small ghoulette at his tone. "What do you say angel?" 

Her breath left her at that moment, and she simply nodded excitedly, coaxing another laugh out of the tall ghoul. He took her hand and led her to the side of his bed, sitting on the edge and leaving her standing to be level with her chest, looking into her eyes with tenderness. 

Suddenly his hands left hers and gently played with the hem of her shirt, asking silently for permission once again. She offered him another quick nod and he was soon tugging the fabric over her head, moving to her pant button immediately after. Once she was bare he began running his hands over her exposed grey skin, taking in every little detail of her naked body. Soft kisses littered her body, starting at her neck and making their way down each arm and over her torso, silently and gently worshiping the beautiful body in front of him. 

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