And God saw the light, that it was good:

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They saw his face, someone saw his face. For the first time in so many years. 

He was terrified.

He felt so free. 

They had told him that he was beautiful, that he had no reason to hide, he was normal despite what everyone before them had said. 

But now he lay in bed, alone with his thoughts, he free feeling drifting away as he sunk lower and lower into his bed. Fear crept in, fear that they would tell the others, or that they didn't really mean the things they said. Fear clutched at his heart until he was able to drift into sleep once again. 


It was empty. What was? His mind? His dreams? He couldn't tell, but it felt so empty. Surrounded by a black void, dread creeping into him through the black floor he stood on. 

Why? Why again? It's been so long, I got rid of this.

He knew he couldn't help it, he was trapped in this until he woke up. Trapped in the nightmares that had plagued him for hundreds of years. But this time was different, this time he could move, more free then hes ever been within his own mind. And so he ran, he ran from nothing into more nothing. He ran until his legs burned and he couldn't run anymore. He fell to his knees in pure defeat, knowing he couldn't run from himself, it was pointless. 

The world around him began to shift, just as he feared it would. Suddenly he was in a field, a beautiful vast field of flowing grass and wildflowers. It was peaceful, quiet and amazing. He heard a voice, a small voice, of a girl. She couldn't have been older than 12 as she laughed and played, taking handfuls of grass and throwing them above her head. Her mouth closed as the blades of grass rained over her face, getting stuck in her dirty blonde hair. Beautifully kept hair that fell to her shoulders in waves, adorned with flowers sticking in every direction.

Once she had opened her eyes again she looked at Whisp, still sat on the floor, shock filled his eyes along with tears. The hot tears came streaking down his cheeks as the small girl held a had out to him, beckoning him to join her in the fun. 

He did just that.

A hand reached out, his hand, and it connected with hers. Dragging himself to his feet he noticed, this wasn't his hand. There where no claws, no grey skin, only soft peach colored flesh littered with a few freckles. 

No, he thought, this is mine...It was mine.

They played, they laughed, they made daisy chains and blew dandelions. And Whisper hoped he would never wake up, but just like that she turned back to him.

"You have to go now." She said in her cheerful voice.

"I can't, I don't want to." Whisp looked down on her small frame, her grey-blue eyes that where speckled with yellow as if gold dust had been blown in her face. 

"I'm sorry, it's all a dream, and you have to wake up now Ozzy." 

Ozzy. That was his name, who he was... Before.

Before he could respond she pulled him into a tight embrace, smiling into his chest as tears fell from her beautiful eyes. And everything faded to black again.

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