And darkness was upon the face of the deep.

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The next day was the official tour of the building, if you could call it something so modest. It was a beautiful, huge, Gothic church. Hallways that seemed to stretch on forever, hundreds of rooms in just the main building alone. In two separate buildings where the living spaces for the sisters and brothers of sin who took residence at the church. 

Whisper was able to take it in quite easily despite this, as the grounds of the church where nowhere near the grandness of the kingdom of Hell. Many people gave some confused looks toward the new figure, as he still did not have a church issued mask, so the black mask stayed for now. 

"Annnnddddd, with the practice room, we come to the conclusion of our tour." Sunshine opened the door before them, snapping Whisp out of his thoughts. "This is where the band practices, we all play different instruments during rituals and Papa sings!" She skipped up toward a keyboard, tapping some keys silently as she left it off. "Do you play anything?"

He smiled gentely behind the mask, taking a small step forward into the room. 

"Well, yes, but not anything that would be useful for this." He gestured to the room with one hand. "I do not mind, it seems as though you all have it figured out perfectly." He stepped towards Sunshine, standing on the other side of the keyboard, and he down at her.

"That's no fun, what do you play?" She persisted. 

Whisp let an amused chuckle slip from his lips, tilting his head back ever so slightly. This caused the black fabric around his neck to fall a bit, not enough for him to notice, but enough for Sunshine to see a small sliver of grey skin with a small hint of pink coming down from his jaw. She chose to ignore it for now, as it wasn't any of her business.

"If you must know, I mainly play the flute." He looked her back in the eyes, and though she couldn't see them, she could almost imagine the happy squint they held. "Though, such a delicate instrument won't benefit the project you have going here."

"Makes sense, but you'll have to play for me someday." She walked back around the board and back in the direction of the door. "And don't make me beg, cause I will!" She joked as Whisp caught up with her, giggling like a child. His laugh seemed contagious to her, as once she heard it she began to laugh. Her higher picked laugh blending nicely with his deep, rumbling chuckle. 

Once the laughing fit was over, they headed back to the ghoul "common room" as they called it. All the ghouls where trying to busy themselves with activity, Whisp had learned that they didn't have much to do during the day other than practice, as rituals where normally held at night. Other than that, they had no designated jobs, just helping here and there when someone needed them. He excused himself, finding there wasn't much to do in the common room, and went back to his bedroom. 

He went to the small table beside his bed and opened the drawer, pulling out something small and rectangular. It was an Ipod, old and dinky looking, but it was one of the only things he brought with him from Hell. His most prized possession in a way. He turned it on and pushed play, not really caring what song came on first. To say he had a colorful music taste would be an understatement. He had almost every genre known to man on this little device, save for perhaps some Polka music. 

He sat back against his headboard, not risking taking off the mask quite yet. Whisp was never really a 'people person' as they called it, preferring to be on his own with a book and some music. It had been almost an hour before he noticed the time passing, standing back up and stretching out the stiffness he had from sitting in one position for so long. 

The clock read 1:00pm, so he figured it was a good time to go get lunch, pausing the music before heading out to the shared kitchen. 

"There you are, I was gonna come get you, ready for lunch?" It was Sunshine again, she was definitely the most comfortable around the stranger, and Whisp couldn't be more glad. She stood at a counter with Mountain on one side and Swiss on the other, blocking the counter in front of them from Whispers view.

"I am, what are you having?" He stepped around them to look at the counter, they where making sandwiches in quite a smart line, passing them between each other before they landed on a steadily growing pile. 

In an almost cartoon-y fashion, Whispers stomach let out a loud growl at the sight of food, heaving a laugh from all the ghouls, even Mountain chuckled. 

"Go get the girls and we'll all eat together." Swiss put the last sandwich on the pile and started cleaning, the other two giving him a hand with dishes and ingredients.

Whisp nodded and went to the small hallway, knocking on the first door he came to. It was pulled open slightly, a ghoulette looking through the small crack before opening it all the way with a smile. 

"I thought you might be Dew, whats up?" Cumulus looked up to the male ghoul, leaning on the door frame. Behind her he could see Cirrus going through a bag of nail polish colors. 

"It's time for lunch, Swiss wanted you both to come eat with us." He said trying to be casual but a smirk played at his lips at the way Cirrus popped her head up instantly at the mention of food. 

Without an answer the ghoulettes quickly pushed past the taller ghoul and rushed to the kitchen. This made Whisp chuckle as he turned to close the door, looking at the bottles of polish now strewn about the floor from the way the bag was quickly discarded. He shut the door and walked back to the kitchen, the few missing ghouls had now made their way to the room as well, helping to carry things to the dinning table. 

Whisper grabbed a few cups of water that sat on the counter to help set the table. They all found their seats quickly and dug in, talking between themselves happily. Whisp was perfectly content just listening, enjoying the company around him, until someone spoke to him directly.

"Why aren't you eating?" Many people at the table where surprised to hear Mountain speak up, and more so to be the one to START a conversion with someone new. But it was true, Whispers plate remained empty, hands folded in his lap as he sat. "I thought you where hungry?" 

"Oh, yes, I am its just..." He made a lazy gesture up towards his mask. "I'll eat later, I'm fine just sitting for now." This made an awkward silence spread through the table, ghouls looking between each other, hoping someone would break the silence. 

"Dramatic much?" Not what they meant, Dew was the one to break the silence with a sour attitude. He tossed an almost disgusted look towards Whisp, biting down on his sandwich before looking away. 

"I- um..." This isn't something Whisper was at all used to, he searched his mind for a way to fix the situation. "My apologies." He simply gave before standing, giving a bow of his head before he went back to his room, not hungry anymore. No body stopped him, and the silence continued until they heard the click of his door shutting. 

"What the hell was that?!" Sunshine yelped at Dew, who shot her a confused look. 

"What?! I just said what I thought, not my fault hes sensitive!" He fired back, not understanding what he did wrong. 

"He's new, give him a break." Aether added in, going back to eating to avoid the situation. 

"Yeah, and this is how I am, so he needs to get over it." Dew stated blankly, finishing his food and storming back to his room. 

"Can't wait to see how this'll play out." Swiss rolled his eyes and cleaned up the little ghouls plate, leaving the group in the same awkward silence until they all slowly finished eating and left the room.

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